This project focuses on building a dynamic website to showcase products using various routing techniques. Users will be able to browse products within specific categories and retrieve relevant details for each product. It can be used as boilerplate code for ecommerce projects.
The project is installed inside a Docker container and launched with docker-compose to reduce maintenance and security concerns and simplify development.
docker-compose up --d
This will launch the app on http://localhost:3000
- Set up routing in a React application using React Router.
- Develop the application using functional components and React Hooks.
- Implement different types of routing functionalities.
Create a product website with extensive routing functionalities. To fetch and display product categories and individual products, we will utilize the Fake Store API.
To achieve this, we will utilize the React Router library, which provides a diverse range of routing functionalities. We will employ nested and dynamic routing concepts to showcase products within specific categories and provide comprehensive views of individual product details.
The initial application components come with a basic template that can be customized and styled according to your needs.
The following technologies will be used in this project:
- React
- React Router
- Fake Store API