A data intermediary, as defined by the European Strategy of Data, enhanced to support secure and privacy preserving searching, and a demonstration of trustworthy AI model training for energy consumption prediction, using data generated by IoT devices installed in smart homes.
Brought to you by ExcID and Plegma Labs
SEA will provide trust and security extensions to the search functionality of an existing data intermediary. Data intermediaries are an integral component of Data Spaces, a new form of digital platform aiming at deliberating data from silos, enabling data-driven innovation and shaping digital transformation. Our data intermediary, currently at TRL 5, builds upon ETSI’s NGSI-LD API, iSHARE-certified services, and W3C Self-Sovereign Identity standards. With SEA, the search API of our intermediary will be enhanced to support trustworthy search operations, enabling us to extend it to 3rd party consumers. The new API will be coupled to our access control components to provide sovereignty and privacy to data suppliers, it will consider data semantics and relationships, and it will accommodate queries for historical data and "subscriptions" to future events. The developed solution will be demonstrated through a proof-of-concept, which will allow search for data used to train AI models.
SEA will build upon the iSHARE-certified system developed by ExcID and Plegma, which uses FIWARE technology and W3C's self-sovereign identification and authorization standards to enable secure and controlled IoT data sharing. The developed solution will be demonstrated through a proof-of-concept, which will allow searching for data that can be used for training an AI model for energy consumption prediction.