This module was designed for Puppet versions 2 and 3. It should work also on Puppet 4 but doesn't use any of its features.
The current Puppet 3 compatible codebase is no longer actively maintained by example42.
Still, Pull Requests that fix bugs or introduce backwards compatible features will be accepted.
####Table of Contents
This module installs, manages and configures mariadb.
##Module Description
The module is based on stdmod naming standards version 0.9.0.
Refer to for complete documentation on the common parameters.
###Resources managed by mariadb module
- This module installs the mariadb package
- Enables the mariadb service
- Can manage all the configuration files (by default no file is changed)
###Setup Requirements
- PuppetLabs stdlib module
- StdMod stdmod module
- Puppet version >= 2.7.x
- Facter version >= 1.6.2
###Beginning with module mariadb
To install the package provided by the module just include it:
include mariadb
The main class arguments can be provided either via Hiera (from Puppet 3.x) or direct parameters:
class { 'mariadb':
parameter => value,
The module provides also a generic define to manage any mariadb configuration file:
mariadb::conf { 'sample.conf':
content => '# Test',
Install version 5.5 (by default version 10.0 is installed). This changes the repos used for packages.
class { 'mariadb': version => '5.5', }
Install Galera engine
class { 'mariadb': galera_install => true, }
A common way to use this module involves the management of the main configuration file via a custom template (provided in a custom site module):
class { 'mariadb': config_file_template => 'site/mariadb/mariadb.conf.erb', }
You can write custom templates that use setting provided but the config_file_options_hash paramenter
class { 'mariadb': config_file_template => 'site/mariadb/mariadb.conf.erb', config_file_options_hash => { opt => 'value', opt2 => 'value2', }, }
Use custom source (here an array) for main configuration file. Note that template and source arguments are alternative.
class { 'mariadb': config_file_source => [ "puppet:///modules/site/mariadb/mariadb.conf-${hostname}" , "puppet:///modules/site/mariadb/mariadb.conf" ], }
Use custom source directory for the whole configuration directory, where present.
class { 'mariadb': config_dir_source => 'puppet:///modules/site/mariadb/conf/', }
Use custom source directory for the whole configuration directory and purge all the local files that are not on the dir. Note: This option can be used to be sure that the content of a directory is exactly the same you expect, but it is desctructive and may remove files.
class { 'mariadb': config_dir_source => 'puppet:///modules/site/mariadb/conf/', config_dir_purge => true, # Default: false. }
Use custom source directory for the whole configuration dir and define recursing policy.
class { 'mariadb': config_dir_source => 'puppet:///modules/site/mariadb/conf/', config_dir_recursion => false, # Default: true. }
##Operating Systems Support
This is tested on these OS:
- RedHat osfamily 5 and 6
- Debian 6 and 7
- Ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04
Pull requests (PR) and bug reports via GitHub are welcomed.
When submitting PR please follow these quidelines:
- Provide puppet-lint compliant code
- If possible provide rspec tests
- Follow the module style and stdmod naming standards
When submitting bug report please include or link:
- The Puppet code that triggers the error
- The output of facter on the system where you try it
- All the relevant error logs
- Any other information useful to undestand the context