Base configuration for routing tests in ASP.NET.
Clone project or:
- Get MvcRouteUnitTester and NUnit for Tests Project from Nuget
- To your project add folowing asemblies: project to test, System.Web
- Add necessery app.config (look repo)
- Add in your testing class using of three refs → for downloaded lib, NUnit framework, System.Web.Routing
- Register routes from RouteTable (you don't run global.asax in your tests!) - once for all tests
- Create tester object
- Test!
For quick implementation use tests schema from repo insted of coding points above.
→ External requests
tester.WithIncomingRequest("/Foo/Bar/5").ShouldMatchRoute("Foo", "Bar", new { id = 5 });
→ Internal links
tester.WithRouteInfo("Home", "About", new { id = 5, someKey = "someValue" }).ShouldGenerateUrl("/Home/About/5?someKey=someValue");