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David Ackerman edited this page Sep 3, 2019 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the vscode-substrate wiki!

This plugin provides a convenient development environment for Parity Substrate framework.

How to run

To start using this extension - install it from marketplace. To run this extension you need following pre-requirements:

  1. Visual Studio Code v1.37.0+
  2. Yarn v1.13.0+


  1. Clone project and open it in VSCode.
  2. Execute command yarn and yarn compile in terminal.
  3. Press F5.

To start webview development:

  1. Execute the command yarn watch:views.
  2. Press F5.
  3. Press CMD + SHIFT + P and type Show webview.
  4. Make changes to webview in ./src/views.


This extension provides the next features:

  1. Start/Stop a local node.
  2. Clear chain data.
  3. Manage accounts.
  4. Execute extrinsics.
  5. Subscribe for chain state changes.

How to use

Navigate to Substrate plugin in sidebar menu.


You need to be in a directory with substrate project to execute the next commands:

  1. Start: In 'Nodes' section click at the '...' and 'Start local node'.
  2. Stop: You need to have an open terminal with node running - in 'Nodes' section click at the '...' and 'Stop local node'.
  3. Clear: In 'Nodes' section click at the '...' and 'Clear chain data'.

To run next commands you don't need to be in a directory with substrate project.

  1. Connect: In 'Nodes' section RMB click at the node and then click 'Connect...'.
  2. Remove: In 'Nodes' section RMB click at the node and then click 'Remove...'.
  3. Edit node: In 'Nodes' section RMB click at the node and then click 'Edit node...'.
  4. Edit types: In 'Nodes' section click at the '...' and 'Edit types' - type your custom substrate storage types.


  1. Add: In 'Accounts' section click at the '+' and type account name, account encryption type, Mnemonic/Seed/Uri.
  2. Change name: In 'Accounts' section RMB click at the account and then click 'Change name...'.
  3. Remove: In 'Accounts' section RMB click at the account and then click 'Remove...'.
  4. Import: In 'Accounts' section click at the '...' and choose a file with exported account.
  5. Export: In 'Accounts' section RMB click at the account and then click 'Export account...'.
  6. Copy address: In 'Accounts' section RMB click at the account and then click 'Copy address...'.


  1. Run extrinsic: In 'Extrinsics' section click at the module and choose extrinsic to execute. Then type all arguments and account which will sign extrinsic.

Chain state:

  1. Substrate: In 'Chain state' section click at the module and choose a state to subscribe and type key argument (if it's a map).