This is strongly inspired by killerwhile/kafka-assignment-optimizer.
This program:
- generates partition replica assignment such that
- the weight(number) of replicas assigned to each broker is balanced
- but the weight(number) of replica movement is minimum(optimal)
- with invariants
- leader for each topic-partition does not change (unless the leader exists in target brokers).
- replication factor for each topic-partition does not change.
- by formalizing this problem as Mixed Binary Integer Programming. see below
- and the optimization problem is solved by Optimus
- is already packaged as a docker image everpeace/kafka-reassign-optimizer. it just works by hitting docker command.
- execution and verification of partition reassignment are supported.
- this can be used for both expanding and shrinking case!!
- Installation
- How to use
- Sample Scenarios
- Partition Replica Reassignment as Binary Integer Programming
- How to test locally?
- Release History
just pull the image
$ docker pull everpeace/kafka-reassign-optimizer
$ docker run everpeace/kafka-reassign-optimizer --help
kafka-reassign-optimizer calculating balanced partition replica reassignment but minimum replica move.
Usage: kafka-reassign-optimizer [options]
-zk, --zookeeper <value>
zookeeper connect string (e.g. zk1:2181,zk2:2181/root )
--brokers id1,id2,... broker ids to which replicas re distributed to
--topics topic1,topic2,...
target topics (all topics when not specified)
--weight-type constant|offset
type of topic-partition weight. (default = constant)
--print-assignment print assignment matrix. please noted this might make huge output when there are a lot topic-partitions (default = false)
--balanced-factor-min <value>
stretch factor to decide new assignment is well-balanced (must be <= 1.0, default = 0.9)
--balanced-factor-max <value>
stretch factor to decide new assignment is well-balanced (must be >= 1.0, default = 1.0)
-e, --execute execute re-assignment when found solution is optimal (default = false)
--batch-weight <value> execute re-assignment in batch mode (default = 0 (0 means execute re-assignment all at once))
--verify <value> verifying reassignment finished after execution of reassignment fired (default = true). this option is active only when execution is on.
--verify-interval (e.g. 1s, 1min,..)
interval duration of verifying reassignment execution progress (default = 5 seconds)
--verify-timeout (e.g. 1m, 1hour,..)
timeout duration of verifying reassignment execution progress (default = 5 minutes)
--help prints this usage text
- you have 1 topic
- it has 2 partitions with replication factor 3.
- partition replica is distributed on brokers
1, 2, 3
- Then, you added two brokers
gives you optimal partition replica reassignment such that- replica movement is only 2
- replica partition is almost evenly distributed to 5 brokers
- leader and replication factor for each topic partition does not change
- and will execute/verify the reassignment.
# scenario setup
$ docker-compose up -d zookeeper kafka1 kafka2 kafka3
$ docker-compose exec kafka1 kafka-topics \
--zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --create --topic tp1 \
--partitions 2 --replication-factor 3
$ docker-compose up -d kafka4 kafka5
# $ docker-compose down -v # to teardown
# run kafka-reassign-optimizer
$ docker run -it --rm --net host everpeace/kafka-reassign-optimizer --print-assignment --zookeeper --brokers 1,2,3,4,5 -e
# Summary of Current Partition Assignment
Total Replica Weights: 6.0
Current Broker Set: 1,2,3
Broker Weights: Map(1 -> 2, 2 -> 2, 3 -> 2, 4 -> 0, 5 -> 0)
Current Partition Assignment:
broker 1 2 3 4 5
[tp1, 0] 1 1 ⚐1 0 0 (RF = 3)
[tp1, 1] ⚐1 1 1 0 0 (RF = 3)
weight 2 2 2 0 0
⚐ leader partition
# Finding Optimal Partition Assignment
# let's find well balanced but minimum partition movements
______________________ ______
___ /___ __ \_ ___/________ /__ ______
__ / __ /_/ /____ \_ __ \_ /__ | / / _ \
_ /___ ____/____/ // /_/ / / __ |/ // __/
/_____/_/ /____/ \____//_/ _____/ \___/
Model lpSolve: 13x10
Configuring variable bounds...
Adding objective function...
Creating constraints: Added 13 constraints in 2ms
Solution status is Optimal
# Summary of Proposed Partition Assignment
Is Solution Optimal?: Optimal
Total Replica Weights: 6.0
Replica Move Amount: 2
New Broker Set: 1,2,3,4,5
Broker Weights: Map(1 -> 1, 2 -> 1, 3 -> 2, 4 -> 1, 5 -> 1)
Proposed Partition Assignment:
broker 1 2 3 4 5
[tp1, 0] 0 0 ⚐1 1 1 (RF = 3)
[tp1, 1] ⚐1 1 1 0 0 (RF = 3)
weight 1 1 2 1 1
⚐ leader partition
# Proposed Assignment
# (You can save below json and pass it to kafka-reassign-partition command)
"version" : 1,
"partitions" : [
"topic" : "tp1",
"partition" : 0,
"replicas" : [
"topic" : "tp1",
"partition" : 1,
"replicas" : [
Ready to execute above re-assignment?? (y/N)
# Executing Reassignment
Current partition replica assignment
Save this to use as the --reassignment-json-file option during rollback
Successfully started reassignment of partitions {"version":1,"partitions":[{"topic":"tp1","partition":0,"replicas":[3,5,4]},{"topic":"tp1","partition":1,"replicas":[1,3,2]}]}
# Verifying Reassignment
# interval = 5 seconds
# timeout = 5 minutes (until 2017-08-19T17:10:51.694Z)
Verifying.. (time = 2017-08-19T17:05:51.722Z)
Reassignment of partition [tp1,0] is still in progress
Reassignment of partition [tp1,1] is still in progress
Verifying.. (time = 2017-08-19T17:05:56.819Z)
Reassignment of partition [tp1,0] completed successfully
Reassignment of partition [tp1,1] completed successfully
Reassignment execution successfully finished!
- After that, you want to shutdown broker
2, 3
- Then, you reassgin partition replica to brokers
- and you will shutdown broker
$ docker run -it --rm --net host everpeace/kafka-reassign-optimizer --zookeeper localhost:2181 --brokers 1,4,5 --print-assignment -e
# Summary of Current Partition Assignment
Total Replica Weights: 6.0
Current Broker Set: 1,2,3,4,5
Broker Weights: Map(1 -> 1, 2 -> 1, 3 -> 2, 4 -> 1, 5 -> 1)
Current Partition Assignment:
broker 1 2 3 4 5
[tp1, 0] 0 0 ⚐1 1 1 (RF = 3)
[tp1, 1] ⚐1 1 1 0 0 (RF = 3)
weight 1 1 2 1 1
⚐ leader partition
# Finding Optimal Partition Assignment
# let's find well balanced but minimum partition movements
______________________ ______
___ /___ __ \_ ___/________ /__ ______
__ / __ /_/ /____ \_ __ \_ /__ | / / _ \
_ /___ ____/____/ // /_/ / / __ |/ // __/
/_____/_/ /____/ \____//_/ _____/ \___/
Model lpSolve: 13x10
Configuring variable bounds...
Adding objective function...
Creating constraints: Added 13 constraints in 1ms
Solution status is Optimal
# Summary of Proposed Partition Assignment
Is Solution Optimal?: Optimal
Total Replica Weights: 6.0
Replica Move Amount: 3
New Broker Set: 1,4,5
Broker Weights: Map(1 -> 2, 2 -> 0, 3 -> 0, 4 -> 2, 5 -> 2)
Proposed Partition Assignment:
broker 1 2 3 4 5
[tp1, 0] 1 0 0 ⚑1 1 (RF = 3)
[tp1, 1] ⚐1 0 0 1 1 (RF = 3)
weight 2 0 0 2 2
⚐ leader partition
⚑ new leader partition
# Proposed Assignment
# (You can save below json and pass it to kafka-reassign-partition command)
"version" : 1,
"partitions" : [
"topic" : "tp1",
"partition" : 0,
"replicas" : [
"topic" : "tp1",
"partition" : 1,
"replicas" : [
Ready to execute above re-assignment?? (y/N)
# Executing Reassignment
Current partition replica assignment
Save this to use as the --reassignment-json-file option during rollback
Successfully started reassignment of partitions {"version":1,"partitions":[{"topic":"tp1","partition":0,"replicas":[4,5,1]},{"topic":"tp1","partition":1,"replicas":[1,4,5]}]}
# Verifying Reassignment
# interval = 5 seconds
# timeout = 5 minutes (until 2017-08-19T17:22:18.980Z)
Verifying.. (time = 2017-08-19T17:17:19.010Z)
Reassignment of partition [tp1,0] is still in progress
Reassignment of partition [tp1,1] is still in progress
Verifying.. (time = 2017-08-19T17:17:24.054Z)
Reassignment of partition [tp1,0] completed successfully
Reassignment of partition [tp1,1] completed successfully
Reassignment execution successfully finished!
For the case to re-assign bunch of topic-partitions, kafka-reassign-optimizer
supports batch mode. In batch mode, the tool divide up topic-partitions to move into several batches and execute re-assignment sequentially per batch.
You can control batch size(weight) via --batch-size
Below is just an example of 2-batches.
$ docker run -it --rm --net host everpeace/kafka-reassign-optimizer --print-assignment --zookeeper --brokers 1,2,3,4,5 -e --batch-weight 1
# Reassign Execution in batch mode (batch-weight = 1)
# Proposed assignment was partitioned into 2 batches below:
# batch 1/2: (tp1,1) (move amount = 1)
# batch 2/2: (tp1,0) (move amount = 2)
# Batch 1/2 = (tp1,1) (move amount = 1)
# Original replica assignment:
# broker 1 2 3 4 5
# [tp1, 1] 1 ⚐1 1 0 0 (RF = 3)
# ⚐ leader partition
# New replica assignment:
# broker 1 2 3 4 5
# [tp1, 1] 0 ⚐1 1 0 1 (RF = 3) (move amount = 1)
# ⚐ leader partition
Ready to execute this batch (y => next batch, s => skip, n => abort)?? (Y/s/n)
# Executing Reassignment
Current partition replica assignment
Save this to use as the --reassignment-json-file option during rollback
Successfully started reassignment of partitions {"version":1,"partitions":[{"topic":"tp1","partition":1,"replicas":[2,3,5]}]}
# Verifying Reassignment
# interval = 5 seconds
# timeout = 5 minutes (until 2017-08-22T17:16:04.906Z)
1-st try
Verifying.. (time = 2017-08-22T17:11:04.981Z)
Reassignment of partition [tp1,1] is still in progress
2-nd try
Verifying.. (time = 2017-08-22T17:11:09.992Z)
Reassignment of partition [tp1,1] completed successfully
Reassignment execution successfully finished!
# Batch 2/2 = (tp1,0) (move amount = 2)
# Original replica assignment:
# broker 1 2 3 4 5
# [tp1, 0] ⚐1 1 1 0 0 (RF = 3)
# ⚐ leader partition
# New replica assignment:
# broker 1 2 3 4 5
# [tp1, 0] ⚐1 0 0 1 1 (RF = 3) (move amount = 2)
# ⚐ leader partition
Ready to execute this batch (y => next batch, s => skip, n => abort)?? (Y/s/n)
# Executing Reassignment
Current partition replica assignment
Save this to use as the --reassignment-json-file option during rollback
Successfully started reassignment of partitions {"version":1,"partitions":[{"topic":"tp1","partition":0,"replicas":[1,5,4]}]}
# Verifying Reassignment
# interval = 5 seconds
# timeout = 5 minutes (until 2017-08-22T17:16:14.082Z)
1-st try
Verifying.. (time = 2017-08-22T17:11:14.083Z)
Reassignment of partition [tp1,0] is still in progress
2-nd try
Verifying.. (time = 2017-08-22T17:11:19.088Z)
Reassignment of partition [tp1,0] completed successfully
Reassignment execution successfully finished!
By default, weight of topic-partition is just constant(=1
). However, there is a case you would like to put weight for each topic-partition by offset values. Using offsets of topic-paritions can measure more precise amount of data among brokers.
If you want to use this, simply add option --weight-type offset
like below. When you use --weight-type offset
, you might need to adjust --blanced-factor-{min|max}
because weights of topic-partitions is not uniform.
$ docker run -it --rm --net host everpeace/kafka-reassign-optimizer --print-assignment --zookeeper --brokers 1,2,3,4,5 --weight-type offset --balanced-factor-min 0.6 --balanced-factor-max 1.2
# Summary of Current Partition Assignment
Total Replica Weights: 174
Current Broker Set: 1,2,3
Broker Weights: Map(1 -> 58, 2 -> 58, 3 -> 58, 4 -> 0, 5 -> 0)
Current Partition Assignment:
broker 1 2 3 4 5
[tp1, 0] 20 20 ⚐20 0 0 (RF = 3)
[tp1, 1] ⚐19 19 19 0 0 (RF = 3)
[tp1, 2] 19 ⚐19 19 0 0 (RF = 3)
weight 58 58 58 0 0
⚐ leader partition
# Finding Optimal Partition Assignment
# let's find well balanced but minimum partition movements
______________________ ______
___ /___ __ \_ ___/________ /__ ______
__ / __ /_/ /____ \_ __ \_ /__ | / / _ \
_ /___ ____/____/ // /_/ / / __ |/ // __/
/_____/_/ /____/ \____//_/ _____/ \___/
Model lpSolve: 14x15
Configuring variable bounds...
Adding objective function...
Creating constraints: Added 14 constraints in 3ms
Solution status is Optimal
# Summary of Proposed Partition Assignment
Is Solution Optimal?: Optimal
Total Replica Weights: 174
Replica Move Amount: 58
New Broker Set: 1,2,3,4,5
Broker Weights: Map(1 -> 39, 2 -> 38, 3 -> 39, 4 -> 38, 5 -> 20)
Proposed Partition Assignment:
broker 1 2 3 4 5
[tp1, 0] 20 0 ⚐20 0 20 (RF = 3) (move amount = 20)
[tp1, 1] ⚐19 19 0 19 0 (RF = 3) (move amount = 19)
[tp1, 2] 0 ⚐19 19 19 0 (RF = 3) (move amount = 19)
weight 39 38 39 38 20
⚐ leader partition
# Proposed Assignment
# (You can save below json and pass it to kafka-reassign-partition command)
"version" : 1,
"partitions" : [
"topic" : "tp1",
"partition" : 0,
"replicas" : [
"topic" : "tp1",
"partition" : 1,
"replicas" : [
"topic" : "tp1",
"partition" : 2,
"replicas" : [
- for each topic-partition, broker
- it is binary variable (0 or 1).
- it indicates whether replica of the topic-partition is assigned to the broker or not.
- minimize total amount of replica movement, which is calculated from given weight.
- calculating total movement amount from above variables is a bit tricky. see source for details.
- C0: for each topic-partition, leader does not change unless new broker includes original leader.
- This can be done by restricting domain of variable.
for free spot.[1,1]
for pinned spot[0,0]
for prohibited spot.
- This can be done by restricting domain of variable.
- C1: total replica weight doesn't change.
- C2: replication factor for each topic-partition does not change
- C3: new assignment is "well balanced"
- for each broker, total replica weight assigned to it is well balanced.
- "well balanced" means that
(balancedFactorMin * idealBalancedWeight) <= (replica weight of the broker) <= (alancedFactorMax * idealBalancedWeight)
- because perfect balance can't be achieved in general.
- install lpsolve and jni library by refering here
- assume all needed libraries will be installed at
- hit
make test
:- batched re-assignment execution/verification support (#7)
- support using topic-partition offsets as weights (#8)
: initial public release0.2.0
: closed release (heavily experimental)0.1.0
: closed release (heavily experimental)- originally developed by python (preserved in this branch)