Automatically creates a Chia wallet, Funds it from a wallet node and submits a NFT transaction. This is to pre-create accounts with NFT's intended for plotting without waiting for a wallet to sync.
Using PIP
pip install git+
- Generate a new config file with:
autowallet init
- Find the path to the config file with:
autowallet config
- Edit the config file to match your enviroment
For Details on the config see the default file at:
- Accounts can be generated with:
autowallet generate plotnft
By default the account info is printed to the console as well as saved to a json file with the format
"account" + {wallet.fingerprint} + ".json"
Initializes a new config file
autowallet init
Prints the current config path
autowallet config
Takes 1 parameter, either key or plotnft
will generate a new mnemonic and print it along with the first recieve address
autowallet generate key
If passed -m the command will use an existing mnemonic, otherwise generates a mnemonic and funds it fromn a feed wallet. Generates a .json file.
If passed -f the feed wallet in the config.yaml will be used, otherwise the script will print the first recieve address and waits for coins to be sent. This can be done manually or by pasting the wallet address into a faucet.
autowallet generate plotnft
Prints the current version
autowallet version