- [SOLVED BY @macocha] chess
- [SOLVED BY @kennygrant] floyd
- [SOLVED BY @ledongthuc] anagram
- [SOLVED BY @heliac2000] jaro
- [SOLVED BY @nguyengiabk] mergesort
- [SOLVED BY @nguyengiabk] wordladder
- [SOLVED BY @EvenPeng] sumdecimal
- [SOLVED BY @bediger4000] buildword
- [SOLVED BY @zerkms] shorthash
- [SOLVED BY @zerkms] romannumerals
- [SOLVED BY @zerkms] webscraping
- [NOT SOLVED] lastlettergame
- Each folder has a README.md file and _test.go file, check it and find what kind of function you need to implement.
- Code this function in the separate .go file inside a package and run tests. You may use anything you want except 3rd-party packages.
- Create a PR with one .go file.
- We will choose the most fast and elegant solution and merge into the repo within 7 days.