Polargraph Library
This is to be a reusable set of components that can be used to build commands for, and communicate with a Polargraph machine.
Use the pattern
// Create a new machine of a certain size, specifying a drawable area within it, and a native unit size
Polargraph machine = new Polargraph(700, 500, new Rectangle2D.Float(0,0,350,500), 1.0D);
// Create a drawing, which is essentially an addressable "sub-machine". This can be anywhere inside the drawable area of the machine.
PolargraphDrawing drawing = machine.createNewDrawing("main", new Rectangle2D.Float(100,100,100,100));
// Create a Queue, that will communicate on a usb COM port (ie a connected Arduino).
QueueWriter queue = new VirtualComQueueWriter(new Serial(this, "COM14", 57600));
// Build a simple command
Command c = CommandFactory.newCommand(CommandFactory.CMD_PEN_UP);
// Try a command with parameters
Command c = CommandFactory.newCommand(CommandFactory.CMD_SET_MOTOR_SPEED)
.addParam("maxSpeed", 4000);
// and why not try getting some values from the machine
RPoint p = drawing.getAsNative(mouseX, mouseY);
Command c = CommandFactory.newCommand(CommandFactory.CMD_CHANGELENGTH)
.addParam("a", p.x),
.addParam("b", p.y);
// Send some commands