- Code is still very quick and dirty ;-)
- Tested on a SparkFun ProMicro 8MHz & 16MHz (8MHz is too laggy and even 16MHz is not ideal, STM32 might be better)
- MPU-6050 gyro / accelerometer (code based on Joop Brokkings work)
- Tilt angle compensation, also works on inclined roads
- 4 Servos (2 in Front and one in the rear may be better)
- Not yet tested in a vehicle
- Inspired by: https://www.rc-modellbau-portal.de/index.php?threads/reale-federung-in-einem-rc-modell.7984/page-2#post-201546
New in V 0.1:
- Initial commit
(c) 2020 - 2020 TheDIYGuy999