This is a Spring BOOT app that has 2 configuration options: Maven and Gradle. You can use any of them.
Setting up the project in Eclipse via Maven plugin: TODO: Add info
Setting up the project in Eclipse via Gradle plugin: TODO: Add info
Setting up the project in Eclipse without plugin: TODO: Add info
Running the app:
Right-click on src/main/java/ca/appspace/homework/
and select "Run as"->"Java Application". Spring BOOT will take care
of jump-start and configuring WEB server (Apache Tomcat 7 in this case)
and application.
Check console out, you should see a line containing:
"TomcatEmbeddedServletContainer : Tomcat started on port(s): 8080/http"
Open "http://localhost:8080" (check port in console) in your browser.