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Intro to Eutester

Video - Eutester Overview: An Introduction to the Functional Testing Framework for Eucalyptus

Getting Setup

Writing Your First Testcase

Guidelines for Contributing Testcases

Creating a Eucalyptus Test Harness: Jenkins, Testlink, and Eutester

Eutester Documentation on

eutester is an attempt to leverage existing test code to make test writing faster and standardized.


If easy_install is not available in your environment use your package manager to install python-setuptools

yum install python-setuptools gcc python-devel git
apt-get install python-setuptools gcc python-dev git

Installing eutester and its dependencies is as easy as:

easy_install eutester

For development purposes you can then clone the code from github and then reinstall with your changes

git clone
cd eutester
python install

Main Classes

eutester contains the framework pieces like parsing config/creds, setting up connections and providing test primitives. eucaops uses the framework provided by eutester to provide validated higher order operations on those cloud connections. For more information regarding the module structure of eutester, please refer to the Eutester Python Module Documentation Index.


Example test cases written with this library can be found in the testcases/unstable directory of the source tree


Eutester is designed to allow a user to quickly generate automated tests for testing a Eucalyptus or Amazon cloud. In the case of testing a private cloud a configuration file can be used to create cases that require root access to the machines. The config file describes a few things about the clouds configuration including the bare metal machine configuration and IPs.

The eucaops class can be imported in order to use pre-defined routines which validate common operations on the cloud:

from eucaops import Eucaops


The basic constructor can be used for 2 different connections:

  1. Private cloud with root access - CLC SSH, Cloud, and Walrus connections
    Purpose - connect to and manipulate Eucalyptus components using boto and command line. Recommended to use Eucaops.
    Required arguments: root password, config file with topology information
    Optional arguments: credential path so that new credentials are not created

     private_cloud = Eucaops( password="my_root_pass",  config_file="cloud.conf")
     private_cloud.sys("euca-describe-availability-zones") ### use local credentials to determine viable availability-zones
  2. Public cloud - local SSH, EC2 and S3 connections
    Purpose - can be used to wrap euca2ools commands installed locally on the tester machine or with Eucaops
    Required arguments: credential path

     public_cloud = Eucaops(credpath="~/.eucarc")    
     public_cloud.run_instance(image) ## run an m1.small instance using image

Config file

Tab Delimited: CENTOS 6.4 64 REPO [CC00 CLC SC00 WS] CENTOS 6.4 64 REPO [NC00]




IP or hostname of machine  
Distro installed on machine  
Distro version on machine  
Distro base architecture
System built from packages (REPO) or source (BZR), packages assumes path to eucalyptus is /, bzr assumes path to eucalyptus is /opt/eucalyptus
List of components installed on this machine encapsulated in brackets []

These components can be:

CLC - Cloud Controller   
WS - Walrus   
SC00 - Storage controller for cluster 00   
CC00 - Cluster controller for cluster 00    
NC00 - A node controller in cluster 00