Hello, reader! My name is Emilie Théberge, and I recently finished my MSc. in Medical Genetics at UBC. You may read my thesis here, titled: "Investigating sex differences in the polygenic risk of major depressive disorder and shared associations with cardiovascular disease". Currently I work as clinical research coordinator in a few heart disease studies at VGH, and am applying to medical school with a long-term goal to advocate for the integration of genomics research ("precision health medicine") and sex/gender-differences-aware research into practice as a clinician-scientist. More details in my LinkedIn here.
I will eventually be putting some code and other materials on here from my thesis work. Stay tuned!
Otherwise, I made an "Intro to Coding" repo aimed at beginners who are just stepping into the computational world with the aim to analyze data - but not knowing the languages yet, or where to start. So, I made this resource to hopefully be a helpful "launch pad" from which people could individualize their own learning journeys - if you're one of those people, I hope you find it helpful!
I was also invited as a guest workshop speaker at the first year's round of Precision Health Initiative Workshops led by Dr. Phil Richmond at the BCCHR, full details here, where I co-led a workshop about how to investigate and analyze SNP data.