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Challenge 2: Obstacle avoidance using the laser sensor

Manos Tsardoulias edited this page Nov 17, 2015 · 1 revision


Go to your repository, return in master branch and create a new one:

git checkout master
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/autonomous_systems_architectures/
git checkout -b challenge_2

Go to the autonomous_exploration/config/autonomous_explo.yaml and change these:

  • calculate_target: False
  • velocities_architecture: 'motor_schema'


The task is to fill the function produceSpeedsLaser located here. Based on the position of the laser sensor (you can see it in the simulator) and its measurements (find how many they are), produce a linear and an angular speecd in order for the robot to perform obstacle avoidance.

Hint: Try not to use mathematics instead of many if clauses, if you want the robot to move smoothly.


15 out of 100

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