Some custom scripts I wrote for nagios tasks. This was initially based off of a similar Ruby script created by obfuscurity (, but since it did not do some things I was looking for I wrote my own version with bash and awk. is used for nagios to check graphite metrics with passed warning and critical threshold and will return a response to graphite as well as an optional link to a 24 hour graphite graph if specified usage:
-h prints this help
-u STRING [required] graphite URL (required to include http:// or https://)
-m STRING [required] graphite metric (NOTE: do not use alias() function, use -A param instead)
-S VALUE duration relative start/from in minutes (default 5)
-E VALUE duration relative end/util in minutes (default 0)
-L [connected|staircase]
graph lineMode (default connected)
-W VALUE [required] metric warning threshold
-C VALUE [required] metric critical threshold
-U STRING metric units
-A STRING metric alias
-f [most_recent|sum|average|max]
metric calculation function across all metrics
(default: most_recent [works best with only one metric])
-G attach graph link to output example:
./ -u -m '' -S 10 -W 4000 -C 5000
./ -u -m '' -S 30 -E 10 -W 40 -C 10 -A "metric alias" -U "metric units per day" -G
Example Nagios Configuration:
# check_garphite command usage: check_graphite!<graphite_metric>!<warning_threshold>!<critical_threshold>!<from_minutes>!<until_minutes>!<metric alias/name to be displayed>!<metric units>
define command {
command_name check_graphite
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ -u -m "$ARG1$" -W $ARG2$ -C $ARG3$ -S $ARG4$ -E $ARG5$ -A "$ARG6$" -U "$ARG7$" 2>&1
# example command to check graphite for metrics 60 minutes from now up to 5 minutes ago
define service {
hostgroup_name graphite-checks
servicegroups graphite-checks
service_description simple_graphite_check
check_command check_graphite!graphite.example.HOUR_IN_DAY!9!17!60!5!Hour in Day!Hour
use generic-service
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