Frappe application to handle user management.
Reach us out at [email protected] to connect with our team.
GNU/General Public License (v3) (see license.txt)
The User Management code is licensed as GNU General Public License (v3) and the copyright is owned by Essdee Knitting Mills Private Limited (Essdee) and Contributors.
- 401 - Unauthorized.
- 404 - The requested resource could not be found but may be available in the future.
- 429 - The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.
- 500 - Internal Server Error.
Initiate OTP (Method - Post):
{ "mobile_number": "xxxxxxxxxx" }
200 - { "otp_auth_attempt_name":"aef176ad62"}
404 - {"message": "User Not Found"}
500 - {"message": "OTP Generation Failed"}
Verify OTP (Method - Post):
{ "otp_auth_attempt_name": "xxxxxxxxxx", "incoming_otp": "1234", "action": "get_reset_password_key" or "get_api_credentials" }
200 - action = 'get_reset_password_key'
{"reset_password_key": "N8E4yyJCtQgcPrNaN0v5fWXzdsf"}
200 - action = 'get_api_credentials'
401 - {"message": "Incorrect OTP"}
429 - {"message": "OTP Expired"} or {"message": "Maximum Limit Reached"}
Resend OTP (Method - Post):
{ "otp_auth_attempt_name": "xxxxxxxxxx" }
200 - {"message": "OTP Sent Successfully"}
429 - {"message": "Maximum Limit Reached"}
500 - {"message": "Resend OTP Failed"}