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Shn 15702: Create CICD pipeline #4

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337 changes: 337 additions & 0 deletions Jenkinsfile
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@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
* (c) 2022 All Rights Reserved.
* This JenkinsFile calls the real build job to build the DPC/SDK code. This file will live in the
* the repo for Jenkins' hooks to pick it up and start builds for PRs, merges, etc.

import groovy.transform.Field
import jenkins.model.CauseOfInterruption
import hudson.model.*
import net.sf.json.JSONArray
import net.sf.json.JSONObject
import groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic

@Field def branchToReleaseTypeMap = [
'develop' : 'alpha',
'staging' : 'beta',
'master' : 'prod',
'RelCandidate' : 'Experimental',
'SHN-15702-ci': 'test'

@Field def branchToFileName = [
'develop': 'develop',
'RelCandidate' : 'Experimental',
'staging' : 'staging',
'master' : 'master',
'SHN-15702-ci': 'test'

@Field def slackMessageTitle = 'EsperSDK Sample Build Notification'
@Field def slackMessageChannel = '#kservcicdjobtest'
@Field def shoonyDpcPublisherCredId = 'shoonya_jenkins_cloud_ui_build_user'
@Field def shoonyDpcPublisherAwsRegion = 'ap-south-1'
@Field def shoonyDpcPublisherS3Bucket = 'shoonya-dpc'
@Field def jenkinsCloudApiAccessCreds = 'jenkins_cloud_api_access_creds'
@Field def releaseBranch = 'master'
@Field def releaseChannel = ''
@Field def buildNumber = ''

def sendSlackMessage(titleText, messageText, messageColor, channelName) {
JSONArray attachments = new JSONArray()
JSONObject attachment = new JSONObject()

attachment.put('title', titleText.toString())
attachment.put('text', messageText.toString())
attachment.put('color', messageColor)

slackSend(botUser: true, channel: channelName, attachments: attachments.toString())

def injectCreds() {
// Copy the secret file locally for inclusion into the container. It will be cleaned up automatically
// during the cleanup() stage
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'shoonya-dpc-key-jks-file', variable: 'SECRET_FILE')])
sh "cp ${SECRET_FILE} app/secret.file"

// Copy the file for inclusion into the container. It already points to the secret file as
// "storeFile=/application/secret.file"
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: '', variable: 'KS_PROPS_FILE')])
sh "cp ${KS_PROPS_FILE} app/"

withCredentials([[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
credentialsId: 'jfrog-artifactorycreds',
usernameVariable: 'USERNAME',
passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD']])
arifactoryUsername = "${USERNAME}"
arifactoryPassword = "${PASSWORD}"

echo 'Secrets in place, listing files.'

def runBuildInDocker(String dpcBuildNumber, String releaseChannel) {
def latestCommit = "${env.GIT_COMMIT}"
//SDK Publish is separated into different job
def publishEsperDeviceSDK = false
// ecr vars to use for pull docker image
def dockerEcrUrl = ''
def dockerEcrParms = 'ecr:us-west-2:c1981b34-fa8a-4d88-b3ce-a7adb5c7f71c'

// login into ECR and get ready to pull image
docker.withRegistry("https://${dockerEcrUrl}", dockerEcrParms)
// pull image (only if it's not already on the box)
def currImage = docker.image('shoonya-android-builder-image:latest')

// get the current user's id -- we will pass this to the container for gosu to kick it in. Note the trim()
def currUserId = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'id -u $USER').trim()
echo "Current runner's UID = ${currUserId}"

// make the requested script executable, before mapping it into the container
sh 'chmod a+x jenkins/'

// set the docker image & tag for use for the pull/run
def dockerImageNameAndTag = "${dockerEcrUrl}/shoonya-android-builder-image:latest"
echo "dockerImageNameAndTag= ${dockerImageNameAndTag}"

// massage the build numbers
def buildNumberAsInt = dpcBuildNumber as Integer
def fourDigitBuildNumber = String.format('%04d', buildNumberAsInt)

// first get cached-files from S3, if any, to prevent unecessary dependency downloads during the build
// note that we are making the cli only compare the size and not the timestamp to prevent unnecessary
// downloads from S3. The size is ~275MB.
sh 'aws s3 sync s3://shoonya-devops-bucket/GradleDependencyCache/ . --size-only'

// Start the main build in the downloaded docker image
// -v /buildspace/gradle_dependency_cache:/gradle_dependency_cache \

sh "docker run --rm -e BUILD_NUMBER=${buildNumberAsInt} \
-e FOURDIGIT_BUILD_NUMBER=${fourDigitBuildNumber} \
-e PUBLISH_ESPER_DEVICE_SDK=${publishEsperDeviceSDK} \
-e ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME=${arifactoryUsername} \
-e ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD=${arifactoryPassword} \
-e RELEASE_CHANNEL=${releaseChannel} \
-e LOCAL_USER_ID=${currUserId} \
-v /buildspace/gradle_dependency_cache:/gradle_dependency_cache \
-v ${pwd()}/jenkins/ \
-v ${pwd()}/app:/application '${dockerImageNameAndTag}' \
sh -c /"

def archiveFolders(String buildFolderName, String zipFileSuffix) {
def archiveFoldersList = ['outputs', 'reports', 'test-results']
def prefix = 'esper-sdk-sample'

// archive the build-status file--this is at the root of the downloaded code
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'app/build_status.log', fingerprint: true, allowEmptyArchive: true

dir("app/app/${buildFolderName}") {
archiveFoldersList.each { archiveFolder ->
if (fileExists(archiveFolder)) {
def zipFilename = "${prefix}-build-${archiveFolder}${zipFileSuffix}.zip"
zip zipFile: zipFilename, dir: archiveFolder
archiveArtifacts artifacts: zipFilename, fingerprint: true, allowEmptyArchive: true

def performPostBuildActivities() {
// from the logs, make sure
def buildSuccessful = sh(script: "grep -Fxq 'Build successful' app/build_status.log", returnStatus: true) == 0
if (!buildSuccessful) {
error('Build failed.')

//echo 'Running junit on tests..'
//junit '**/TEST-*.xml'

echo 'Running the lint-analysis tool..'

// archive all interesting folders and attach it to this build
archiveFolders('build', '')

def buildApps(String dpcBuildNumber, String releaseChannel) {
// At this point, we are already in the folder where the entire source code for this app is

// first inject the build-related credentials into the file system

// run the build(s) in the designated docker image
runBuildInDocker(dpcBuildNumber, releaseChannel)

// ensure build succeeded, and activities such as lint-checks.

def uploadtoS3(apkFile, apkFileName, bucket, s3Path, dpcVersionCode) {
withAWS(credentials:"${shoonyDpcPublisherCredId}", region:"${shoonyDpcPublisherAwsRegion}")
pathStyleAccessEnabled: true
def postUploadMessage = "APK upload complete \n ► APKName:`${apkFileName}` \n ► S3Path: ${s3Path} \n ► Version: ${dpcVersionCode}"
return 'success'

agent {
label 'dpc-builder'

stages {
stage('Initialize') {
steps {
script {
releaseChannel = branchToReleaseTypeMap[env.BRANCH_NAME] ?: 'alpha'
time_stamp = new Date().format('yyyyMMddHHmm')
buildNumber = [releaseChannel, time_stamp].join('-')
echo "Build_Number: ${buildNumber}"
stage('Branch indexing: abort') {
when {
allOf {
triggeredBy cause: 'BranchIndexingCause'
not {
steps {
script {
echo 'Branch discovered by branch indexing. No way this build is gonna run!'
currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
error 'Caught branch indexing...'
stage('Abort running build') {
when {
expression {
return env.BRANCH_NAME ==~ /(develop|RelCandidate|staging|SHN-15702-ci)/ || changeRequest()
steps {
def item = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(env.JOB_NAME)
item.getAllJobs().each { job ->
job._getRuns().iterator().each { run ->
def exec = run.getExecutor()
//if the run is not a current build and it has executor (running) then stop it
if ( run.number.toString() != env.BUILD_ID && exec != null ) {
//prepare the cause of interruption
def cause = { "interrupted by build #${run.getId()}" as String } as CauseOfInterruption
exec.interrupt(Result.ABORTED, cause)
} // stage - Abort running build

stage("Build") {
steps {
timestamps {
script {
// get a Sampleapp version number
def buildJob = build (job: 'DeviceBuilds/sampleapp-versions', propagate: true)
dpcVersionBuildNumber = "${buildJob.number}"
echo "Version_name: ${dpcVersionBuildNumber}"
// let the builder library build the code and archive it
} //Stage - Build

stage("Upload APK to S3") {
when {
anyOf {
expression {
env.BRANCH_NAME ==~ /(develop|RelCandidate|staging|SHN-15702-ci)/
branch releaseBranch
steps {
timestamps {
script {
def buildPathS3 = "sampleapp/"+ releaseChannel
def jsonData = readJSON file: 'app/app/build/outputs/apk/release/output-metadata.json'
dpcApkFile = "${pwd()}/app/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk"
dpcVersionCode = jsonData.elements[0].versionCode
dpcVersionName = jsonData.elements[0].versionName
dpcApkFilename = "espersdk_sample_v${dpcVersionCode}_${dpcVersionName}.apk"
echo "DPC for has versionCode = ${dpcVersionCode} and versionName = ${dpcVersionName}"
uploadtoS3(dpcApkFile, dpcApkFilename, shoonyDpcPublisherS3Bucket, buildPathS3, dpcVersionCode)
def fileNameSuffix = branchToFileName[env.BRANCH_NAME] ?: 'test'
finalDpcApkFilename = "espersdk_sample_latest_${fileNameSuffix}.apk"
uploadtoS3(dpcApkFile, finalDpcApkFilename, shoonyDpcPublisherS3Bucket, buildPathS3, dpcVersionCode)
} //Stage Upload
} //Stages

post {
failure {
script {
if (env.CHANGE_ID == null) {
def messageText = "Failed Job Details: \n ► Branch: `${env.BRANCH_NAME}`\n ► Job: `${env.JOB_NAME}`\n ► buildUrl: ${env.BUILD_URL}\n ► Commit: `${env.GIT_COMMIT}` \n "
def messageColor = 'danger'
cleanup {
echo 'Cleaning workspace..'
echo "Done. Exiting script"
} //post
} //pipeline
29 changes: 25 additions & 4 deletions app/app/build.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,24 +3,45 @@ plugins {
id 'kotlin-android'

def keystorePropertiesFile = rootProject.file("")
// Initialize a new Properties() object called keystoreProperties.
def keystoreProperties = new Properties()
// Load your file into the keystoreProperties object.
keystoreProperties.load(new FileInputStream(keystorePropertiesFile))

def vMajor = 1
def vMinor = 0
def buildNum = System.getenv("BUILD_NUMBER") ?: 0
def fourDigitBuildnumber = System.getenv("FOURDIGIT_BUILD_NUMBER") ?: 0
def shVersionCode = (vMajor * 10000000) + (vMinor * 10000) + (buildNum as Integer)

android {
compileSdkVersion 30
buildToolsVersion "30.0.3"
buildToolsVersion "29.0.3"

signingConfigs {
config {
keyAlias keystoreProperties['keyAlias']
keyPassword keystoreProperties['keyPassword']
storeFile file(keystoreProperties['storeFile'])
storePassword keystoreProperties['storePassword']

defaultConfig {
applicationId "io.esper.sdksample"
minSdkVersion 19
targetSdkVersion 30
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"

versionCode shVersionCode as Integer
versionName "v${vMajor}.${vMinor}.${fourDigitBuildnumber}"
testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"

buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''
signingConfig signingConfigs.config

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