Short for On-demand Secure Circuits and Advance Reservation System, OSCARS is a freely available open-source product. As developed by the Department of Energy’s high-performance science network ESnet, OSCARS was designed by network engineers who specialize in supporting the U.S. national laboratory system and its data-intensive collaborations.
This project is a complete redesign of the original OSCARS to improve performance and maintainability.
The new OSCARS is a docker-based application, made up of two major components:
- The main application (the backend module),
- And the web UI (the frontend module)
The main project directory is structured as follows:
The main application. Handles reservation requests, determines which path (if any) is available to satisfy the request, reserves network resources, and initiates southbound connections to network configuration agents.
A node.js webpack application built on React.
Dockerfiles used for creating the application images. Different files are used for production and development.
Various documentation; many documents need review and updating as of Nov 2023.