Parallel runner for Codeception tests
To quickly see Paracestamol in action just:
- Clone the repo
- Do
composer install
- Execute
php ./paracestamol run acceptance ./tests/ 4
This utility is written for Unix-like OS and requires PHP 7.4 with json, mbstring and php-ds extensions.
Add the repository and the component to the composer.json of your Codeception tests project
"require": {
"itecommpay/qa-paracestamol": "dev-main"
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
Expect frequent API changes until the first numbered release.
From inside your project directory:
php ./vendor/bin/paracestamol run suite_name path_to_codeception_yml number_of_processes
By default the utility displays progress bars. To get a more verbose output pass to it -v, -vv or -vvv argument.
If a file with the name paracestamol.yml
is placed in the same directory as your codeception.yml
then the following options will be read from it.
The options that are passed as command-line arguments will override the options that are defined in the paracestamol.yml
Example of the paracestamol.yml
project_name: ParacestamolTests
groups: []
env: []
rerun_count: 2
delay_msec: -1
max_rps: 50
idle_timeout_sec: 30
stat_endpoint: "http://localhost:3000"
show_first_fail: true
- SomeCest.php:test02
Example of the options overriding:
php ./paracestamol run acceptance ./tests/ 10 -v --rerun_count 3 --show_first_fail false
Option | Example | Description |
rerun_count, r | -r 3 | How many times to rerun failed tests |
continuous_rerun | --continuous_rerun true | If false — tests will be reran only after the run is finished. If true — failed tests will be added to the end of the run queue. |
delay_msec, d | -d 25 | If several tests try to start at the same time then wait the given delay between these starts. 0 — cancels delay. -1 — automatically calculate the delay using the max_rps option. The bigger the delay the less is load on your CPU and application. |
max_rps | --max_rps 50 | Used to calculate delay if the delay_msec option is set to -1. delay_msec will be set to 1000/min(max_rps, number_of_processes). Paracestamol can't send more than 100 RPS. |
idle_timeout_sec, t | -t 600 | Terminate a test if it takes more than the given time to run |
show_first_fail | --show_first_fail true | Show the output of the first failed test |
skip_reruns | --skip_reruns SomeOtherCest.php:test02 | Do not rerun these tests (see the "Setting test names" section) |
cest_wrapper | --cest_wrapper 'cest_rerun_failed' | How to treat cests by default: 'tests' — divide cests into tests (default) 'cest_rerun_whole' — as in option 'not_dividable_rerun_whole' 'cest_rerun_failed' — as in option 'not_dividable_rerun_failed' |
dividable | --dividable SomeCest.php | These cests should be divided into separate tests. This option is active when cest_wrapper is set to non-default value. |
not_dividable_rerun_whole | --not_dividable_rerun_whole NotDividableCest.php | These cests should not be divided into separate tests. If any test in the cest is failed then the whole cest will be reran |
not_dividable_rerun_failed | --not_dividable_rerun_failed NotDividableUntilRerunCest.php | These cests should not be divided into separate tests. If a test in the cest is failed then only the failed test will be reran |
fast_cest_rerun | --fast_cest_rerun false | If all tests selected for the current run (or a rerun) from a Cest are failed — exclude the Cest from the following reruns. If during a rerun 50% of tests in a Cest from the 'not_dividable_rerun_failed' group are failed — for the next rerun extract these tests from the Cest and divide them among the parallel processes. |
whole_cest_fail_fast | --whole_cest_fail_fast true | Cests from the 'not_dividable_rerun_whole' group stop after the first failure |
Option | Example | Description |
run_before_series | --run_before_series SomeBeforeCest.php:before01 | Run these tests in the given order before the main run |
rerun_whole_series | --rerun_whole_series true | If a test from the run_before_series option is failed then rerun all tests from the run_before_series option |
serial_before_fails_run | --serial_before_fails_run true | If run_before_series failed even after all reruns then stop the paracestamol execution |
run_before_parallel | --run_before_parallel SomeParallelBeforeCest.php | Run these tests in parallel before the main run |
run_after_parallel | --run_after_parallel parallelAfter | Run these tests in parallel after the main run |
run_after_series | --run_after_series SomeAfterCest.php:after01 | Run these tests in the given order after all other test runs |
Option | Example | Description |
cache_tests | --cache_tests true | Parsing a bunch of big tests can take a long time. Paracestamol can cache a parsing results and use them in the further runs. The caching takes some time too and is not recommended if you don't experience the problem with long parsing times |
store_cache_in | --store_cache_in /home/egor | Where to store the parsing cache |
Option | Example | Description |
groups, g | -g cat -g dog | Run only tests marked with the given groups |
only_tests | --only_tests parallelAfter/SomeParallelAfterCest.php | Run only these tests (see the "Setting test names" section) |
skip_tests | --skip_tests SomeCest.php:test02 | Skip these tests |
immune_tests | --immune_tests SomeCest.php:test01 | These tests ignore selected groups, skip_tests and only_tests settings |
Option | Example | Description |
env | --env shuffle,no_lint (will preserve the given order) --env shuffle --env no_lint (will sort the envs naturally) |
Run tests in the selected environment. Note that all env arguments are treated as one environment, the same way if it was merged with ','. Also note that the order in which the environment files are given is NOT preserved when they are given using separate arguments. |
override, o | -o "settings: shuffle: true" | Overrides codeception config values |
run_output_path | --run_output_path /home/egor/output | Overrides the tests output directory |
Option | Example | Description |
stat_endpoint | --stat_endpoint "http://localhost:3000" | See the "Using test duration statistics" section |
project_name | --project_name ParacestamolTests | Used for test duration statistics. By default your test suite namespace is used as your test project name. You can override it using this option |
bulk_rows_count | --bulk_rows_count 1000 | Used for test duration statistics. How many rows get from the statistics database in a single request. |
Option | Example | Description |
parac_config | --parac_config /home/egor/testproject/tests (looks for paracestamol.yml in the directory) --parac_config /home/egor/testproject/tests/paracestamol_fast.yml OR --parac_config paracestamol_fast.yml (if your paracestamol config stored in the same directory as your codeception.yml but have a non-default name) |
If your paracestamol.yml is stored in the different directory than your codeception.yml or have a non-default name set the path to it using this option |
no_memory_limit | --no_memory_limit true | Tries to turn off PHP memory_limit (better raise it in your PHP settings instead) |
Paracestamol uses the further naming convention in its config.
- parallelAfter — means all tests in parallelAfter subdirectory (relative to your tests directory)
- parallelAfter/SomeParallelAfterCest.php — means all tests in SomeParallelAfterCest.php (note .php at the end)
- parallelAfter/SomeParallelAfterCest.php:parallelAfter01 — means only this one test
Imagine that you have 4 tests:
- test1 — takes 18 minutes to run
- test2 — takes 12 minutes to run
- test3 — takes 5 minutes to run
- test4 — takes 1 minute to run
If you try to run these tests in 2 parallel processes then by default Paracestamol will divide them in the given order. I.e. the first process will run test1 and test2 and take 30 minutes to run, while the second process will run test3 and test4 and take 6 minutes to run.
But if Paracestamol knew the duration of these tests it could run test1 in the first process and the other tests in the second process. This way both processes could take only 18 minutes to run.
To enable this feature you should do the following:
- Install PostgreSQL
- Create Paracestamol schema using the
script (stored in the same folder as this README file) - Install PostgREST ( and start it with the created schema
- Pass the PostgREST endpoint to Paracestamol using the
To allow paracestamol to enforce a delay between tests of a not dividable Cest (cest_rerun_whole or cest_rerun_failed) you should enable the ParacestamolHelper module in your project config:
- Paracestamol\Module\ParacestamolHelper