Source code for the paper:
Siivola E, Weber S, Vehtari A. Qualifying drug dosing regimens in pediatrics using Gaussian processes. Statistics in Medicine. 2021;1–18.
Link to the online version of the paper
NOTE: Stan >= 2.11 is required
Run oral_1cmt_allo.R in src folder
These files are an attempt to model maturation in clearance with the help of Gaussian Processes. The code for PKPD is mostly based on Sebastian Webers' work on building PKPD models in Stan. Pharmacokinetic (PK) models describe the relationship of drug concentration in a given subject over time as a function of the dosing history. PK models facilitate mass action kinetics laws to describe the drug absorption, distribution and elimination process with a compartmental approximation.
A widely known data format to describe the longitudinal data of each patient is the NONMEM format. As such convenient functions are provided to map a NONMEM data set to the internal format.
different stan model definitionssrc/stan/utils/*
helper functions for Stansrc/utils.R
functions for generating data, setting defaults and plottingsrc/oral_1ct_allo.R
the main file