Tech Stack:- MERN
- Request Type: GET
- Description: Queries the database for all properties listed on the platform.
- Usage: Displayed on the homepage for both authenticated and unauthenticated users.
- Ordering: Returns properties in descending order by listing date.
- Request Type: POST
- Description: Allows users to add a new property to the platform.
- Usage: Use the provided JSON data in the 'Body' section.
- Note: Requires prior signup for successful addition of a property.
- JSON Data:
{ "data": { "title": "Myriad Heights", "description": "Huge Carpet Size in heart of Mumbai. All Residents enjoy easy access to a beautiful parks and public transport.", "price": 6000, "address": "Dadar", "city": "Mumbai", "country": "India", "image": "", "facilities": { "bhk": 3, "carpetArea": 750 }, "userEmail": "[email protected]" } }
- Request Type: GET
- Description: Fetches a specific property by ID.
- Usage: Provide the property ID in the URL parameter.
- Default ID for Testing: "Sunrise Gardens".
- Request Type: POST
- Description: Deletes a property permanently from the database.
- Usage: Provide the property ID in the URL parameter.
- Note: Requires the ID of the property to be deleted.
- Request Type: POST
- Description: Returns properties associated with a specific user.
- Usage: Provide the user's email in the request body.
- Access: Available after successful signup and login.
- Request Type: POST
- Description: Adds a user profile to the database.
- Usage: Provide an email in the request body for signup.
- Validation: Checks for a valid and unique email.
- Request Type: POST
- Description: Logs a user in securely and generates an authToken using JWT.
- Usage: Provide the email associated with a registered account.
- Note: Requires prior signup for successful login.
For any issues or further explanations, feel free to contact: [email protected]