CoSurvive is a 2D Survival Game built with SpriteKit and GameplayKit in Objective-C. The game utilizes shapes and colors for its gameplay. Multiple shape and color enemies will attempt to destroy you by suicidal collision. Highscore is calculated for the number of enemies defeated.
You can vary the game by changing up to 6 colors, 4 difficulties and 2 character shapes.
- Enemies of the same color will perish in the barrier of the same color.
- Enemies of a different color are able to pass the barrier and hurt you upon contact.
- Enemies of varying shapes have different speeds, mass, turning speed, and damage.
- Cross shape enemies heal you upon contact.
- Cross enemies will wander and will flee when you're nearby.
- Cross enemies of the same color perish in the barrier, therefore, you required to be a different color in order to pick up healing enemies.
- Difficulty ramp as prolonged time progresses
- Multiply scoring across different shapes
- Multiplayer function across devices over LAN