Contract ABI and Recursive Length Prefix made easy for the JVM.
ABI spec:
RLP spec:
SHA-256 (headlong-13.0.0.jar): 5ec5ab76ffc1532eff553f74b41c7f1214940c454594120ddd6306203ad028f5
Function baz = Function.parse("baz(uint32,bool)"); // canonicalizes and parses any signature
// or
Function f2 = Function.fromJson("{\"type\":\"function\",\"name\":\"foo\",\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"complex_nums\",\"type\":\"tuple[]\",\"components\":[{\"name\":\"real\",\"type\":\"fixed168x10\"},{\"name\":\"imaginary\",\"type\":\"fixed168x10\"}]}]}");
Pair<Long, Boolean> bazArgs = Tuple.of(69L, true);
Tuple complexNums = Single.of(new Tuple[] { Tuple.of(new BigDecimal("0.0090000000"), new BigDecimal("1.9500000000")) });
// Two equivalent styles:
ByteBuffer bazCall = baz.encodeCall(bazArgs);
ByteBuffer bazCall2 = baz.encodeCallWithArgs(69L, true);
System.out.println("baz call hex:\n" + Strings.encode(bazCall) + "\n"); // hexadecimal encoding (without 0x prefix)
Tuple recoveredArgs = baz.decodeCall(bazCall2); // decode the encoding back to the original args
System.out.println("baz args:\n" + recoveredArgs + "\n"); // toString()
System.out.println("equal:\n" + recoveredArgs.equals(bazArgs) + "\n"); // test for equality
System.out.println("baz call debug:\n" + baz.annotateCall(bazCall.array()) + "\n"); // human-readable, for debugging function calls (expects input to start with 4-byte selector)
System.out.println("baz args debug:\n" + baz.getInputs().annotate(bazArgs) + "\n"); // human-readable, for debugging encodings without a selector
System.out.println("f2 call debug:\n" + f2.annotateCall(complexNums) + "\n");
System.out.println("f2 args debug:\n" + f2.getInputs().annotate(complexNums));
Function foo = Function.parse("foo((fixed[],int8)[1][][5])", "(int,string)");
// decode return type (int256,string)
Tuple decoded = foo.decodeReturn(
+ "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040"
+ "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e"
+ "59616f62616e6745696768747939000000000000000000000000000000000000"
System.out.println(decoded.equals(Tuple.of(BigInteger.valueOf(42L), "YaobangEighty9")));
Function fooTwo = Function.parse("fooTwo()", "(uint8)");
int returned = fooTwo.decodeSingletonReturn(FastHex.decode("00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FF")); // uint8 corresponds to int
TupleType<Tuple> tt = TupleType.parse("(bool,address,int72[][])");
ByteBuffer b0 = tt.encode(Tuple.of(false, Address.wrap("0x52908400098527886E0F7030069857D2E4169EE7"), new BigInteger[0][]));
// Tuple t = tt.decode(b0); // decode the tuple (has the side effect of advancing the ByteBuffer's position)
// or...
Address a = tt.decode(b0, 1); // decode only index 1
Tuple t2 = tt.decode(b0, 0, 2); // decode only indices 0 and 2
ByteBuffer b1 = tt.<ABIType<BigInteger[][]>>get(2).encode(new BigInteger[][] { }); // encode only int72[][]
Event<?> event = Event.fromJson("{\"type\":\"event\",\"name\":\"an_event\",\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"a\",\"type\":\"bytes\",\"indexed\":true},{\"name\":\"b\",\"type\":\"uint256\",\"indexed\":false}],\"anonymous\":true}");
Tuple args = event.decodeArgs(new byte[][] { new byte[32] }, new byte[32]);
// create any type directly (advanced)
ArrayType<ABIType<Object>, ?, Object> at = TypeFactory.create("(address,int)[]");
ArrayType<TupleType<Tuple>, Tuple, Tuple[]> at2 = TypeFactory.create("(address,int)[]");
ArrayType<TupleType<Pair<Address, BigInteger>>, Pair<Address, BigInteger>, Pair<Address, BigInteger>[]> at3 = TypeFactory.create("(address,int)[]");
ABIType<Object> unknown = TypeFactory.create(at.getCanonicalType());
// for an example class Student implementing some example interface
public Student(byte[] rlp) {
Iterator<RLPItem> iter = RLPDecoder.RLP_STRICT.sequenceIterator(rlp); =;
this.gpa =;
this.publicKey =;
this.balance = new BigDecimal(,;
public Object[] toObjectArray() {
return new Object[] {
// instances of byte[]
Strings.decode(name, Strings.UTF_8),
// include an Object[] or Iterable and its elements will be encoded as an RLP list (which may include other lists)
public byte[] toRLP() {
return RLPEncoder.sequence(toObjectArray());
Now available in Maven Central Repository.
Or build locally:
Clone the project and install to your local maven repository using gradle publishToMavenLocal
or mvn install
, then declare it as a dependency:
- Run
gradle build
orgradle jar
which output tobuild/libs
- Use
mvn package
which outputs totarget
- Execute
ant all build-jar
which outputs tobuild/lib
- Add headlong as a project dependency
Also includes optimized implementations of:
- EIP-778 Ethereum Node Records
- EIP-55 Mixed-case checksum address encoding
- Keccak
- hexadecimal
headlong depends on gson v2.1 or greater at runtime and v2.12.0 or greater at compile time. Test suite should take less than one minute to run. Test packages require junit. Jar size is ~132 KiB. Java 8+.
For better contract ABI JSON parsing performance, consider ABIJSON methods which accept a Set<TypeEnum>
by which to filter objects by type. For best performance, json should be compact and "type" should be the first key in functions, events, and errors. This can be done via ABIJSON.optimize(String)
See the wiki for more, such as packed encoding (and decoding) and RLP Object Notation:
Licensed under Apache 2.0 terms