MacOS or some other Unix variant is assumed. Ruby version 2.0 or greater is required. Please pay attention to command prompt for when user input is requested. Sudo password may be required to install certain libraries/gems.
$cd Question1
$ruby Question1.rb
There is a file containing a word and its possible meanings (like a Dictionary). The contents of the file look like this:
Apple – a fruit, a tech firm
Table – an object, contains rows and columns when used in context of computers
Orange – a fruit
Given a path to the file, do the following:
a) Create a method called doesFileExist(String path) which takes the path of the file and tells the user if the file exists at that path or not. Assume all paths are relative to your project structure. If the file does not exist, catch the requisite exception.
b) Read each word and its possible meanings and print them out. Your output should look like this:
Meaning 1
Meaning 2
Use appropriate data structures wherever necessary.
$cd Question2/test
$ruby question_2_test.rb
Write an automated test for this scenario using WebDriver.
The following exercise does not require user login. Please use ID or class as selectors.
Navigate to
Verify loaded page title matches “WW (Weight Watchers): Weight Loss & Wellness Help”
On the right corner of the page, click on “Find a Studio”
Verify loaded page title contains "Find a Studio & Meeting Near You | WW USA"
In the search field, search for studios for zip code: 10011
Print the title of the first result and the distance
Click on the first search result and you should see names of the person conducting the meeting on the scheduled time right under time for each day. Create a method that would take a weekday as parameter e.g. Sun, Mon, Tue....Sat and the method should print out the names(s) and the number of times each person(s) is conducting the meeting that particular day.
output should be:
Name: XXXXX Total: XX times
Name: YYYYY Total: YY times
$cd Question3
$ruby Question3.rb
Generate 500 random numbers and print the nth smallest number in a programming language of your choice.