If you’re to travel from the homeland of Java to the terra incognita of Haskell you’ll need a map. It’s a far land, and you’ll feel lost a number of times. There is a shortcut that passes Scala by and takes you straight there, but you’ll need to be cautious! You’ll encounter things that will be unfamiliar and hard to relate to what you have known so far.
This project is the base for my talk "Traveling from Java to Haskell".
With the map provided in the talk you will be able to translate the ways you “think in Java” to concepts used in Haskell, entirely by code examples. The talk is dedicated to Java developers and Haskell newbies.
This project is a real-world yet simple Haskell application for computing city trip route schedule and cost basing on:
- Google Directions service
- Cost of means of transport