Simple Wordpress version checker that sends a message to the given Slack channel if the version differs from last run.
Designed to be run periodically in Cron or Jenkins et al. for informing about new Wordpress version availability.
go get
$ wp-version-to-slack -help
Usage: wp-version-to-slack -slack-token xoxp-1337-12345-67890
No output is sent unless a new version is found.
-last-file string
File for storing the previously known version (default "/tmp/wp-version-to-slack.last")
-slack-channel string
Slack Channel (without #) to post to (default is set to environment variable SLACK_CHANNEL)
-slack-emoji string
Slack message Emoji icon (default ":mailbox:")
-slack-mention string
Space separated list of @mentions (default is set to environment variable SLACK_MENTION)
-slack-token string
Slack API token (default is set to environment variable SLACK_TOKEN)
Show tool version
-wordpress-api string
Wordpress API URL (default "")
Simply send a message:
wp-version-to-slack -slack-token xoxp-1337-12345-67890 -slack-channel operations
2017/01/13 11:48:53 New version: 4.7.1
2017/01/13 11:48:53 Message successfully sent to channel ID CXXXYYYZZZ at 1484304533.000008
Mention specific persons:
wp-version-to-slack -slack-token xoxp-1337-12345-67890 -slack-channel operations -slack-mention "@eric"
2017/01/13 11:48:53 New version: 4.7.1
2017/01/13 11:48:53 Message successfully sent to channel ID CXXXYYYZZZ at 1484304533.000008
Using @channel or @here. Bots need to use special syntax for these, note the escaped ! to avoid shell expansion:
wp-version-to-slack -slack-token xoxp-1337-12345-67890 -slack-channel operations -slack-mention "<\!here>"
2017/01/13 11:48:53 New version: 4.7.1
2017/01/13 11:48:53 Message successfully sent to channel ID CXXXYYYZZZ at 1484304533.000008
git clone "$GOPATH/src/"
cd "$GOPATH/src/"
go get
go install
The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2017 Eric Ripa [email protected]
See LICENSE for the full license