Prepare a GEDCOM for uploading to RootsWeb.
./ -i gedcom_file [-o output_file] [options]
-a, --addr Leave the ADDR field, which contains the current
location, in place.
-c, --change Leave CHAN notes, which contains the dates of past
revisions, in place.
-i, --infile Input GEDCOM file exported from
-l, --link Add a link to the profile to the about me NOTE.
-m, --married Leave the _MAR field, which contains the married name,
in place.
-n, --notes Leave NOTE elements and their children in place.
-o, --outfile Output GEDCOM filename.
-p, --places Leave nonstandard children of PLAC elements in place.
The PLAC field itself is never removed, regardless
of this setting.
Requirements: Any version of perl that supports the array multiplier operator ('x').
This script expects to be passed the filename of a GEDCOM expored from and optionally, the desired filename of the output file. It will read in the file, convert the sources to a format acceptable to RootsWeb, preserving field citations; convert geni:occupation to an OCCU field; remove all other geni: fields; remove last change fields (CHAN); remove extra fields under PLAC, like STAE, CITY, and CTRY; remove Geni's custom _MAR field which is used for married names; and remove the ADDR field, which is equivalent to Geni's 'Current Location' field. Some of these actions can be disabled by setting flags at the top of the script to 0. If no new filename is passed on commandline, the new GEDCOM will be written with the same filename as the old one, except that '-fixed' will be added to the filename before the .ged extension.