FreeBuild is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. You are free to modify and share the work as long as you attribute the work to the contributor(s) and share your subsequent alterations under the same or similar license.
FreeBuild is an free and open source project that aims to provide a set of building blocks that can be combined in a modular fashion. The blocks should be strong, light-weight, and conserve material wherever possible. Block should also be printable on most consumer 3D Printers.
By using and or printing these blocks you release the contributor(s) of any liability. (Your house burns down, your printer explodes, or what-have you.) These blocks could pose a choking hazard. Be smart, eh?
If you want to get started in FreeBuild development, download FreeCAD. Right now each block folder contains a picture, FreeCAD file format, and standard mesh .obj format.
The team is currently working on drafting a v 0.1 block and connector specifications and design.
- Define standard block size increments.
- Define standard block connector type.
- Create basic blocks
- 1x1 block
- 2x1 block
- 4x4 block
- Connector Tube