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This server is a mostly usable example of an IR server for unnamed-sdvx-clone. It implements v0.2.0a of the USC-IR specification. It also implements a web UI for registration, viewing of chart leaderboards, and viewing latest scores by a user.


This server makes use of a MongoDB instance, so you will need to set up, or have access to, one of those. If you use Docker, this is very simple:

docker pull mongo
docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name mongodb mongo

You may also wish to set up the server behind an NginX reverse proxy, for HTTPS. The details of how to do this will not be included here, but guides online are prolific. Here is a link to one.

You will also need to install the modules used by the server. Since package.json is provided, this is as simple as running:

npm install


The server can be ran with

node index.js

However, I would suggest making use of a utility that can keep a Node.js program running, for instance PM2, as so:

npm install pm2 -g
pm2 start index.js


The config.json file included in the repository contains all of the configuration keys that are checked by the server. They are documented below.

https: Whether the server should assume it is using HTTPS
  When true, cookies are treated as secure, and the server will assume it is operating behind a reverse proxy.
  Default: false
hashWorkFactor: The work factor to use for hashing passwords with bcrypt. Bigger = more secure but takes longer. Default: 12
webUICookieSecret: The secret used to generate session cookies for the web UI. This should be changed, as without it your sessions are unsecure. The default does not matter. Change it.
    enabled: Whether to use reCAPTCHA to prevent registrations by bots. Default: false
    recaptchaSecret: Your reCAPTCHA secret, if recaptcha is enabled.
    recaptchaSiteKey: Your reCAPTCHA site key, if recaptcha is enabled.
serverPort: The port the server will listen on. Default: 8080
serverName: How the server identifies itself in IR Heartbeat requests. Also how the server identifies itself on the web UI. Default: USC-IR-Server
database: The IP to connect to the MongoDB instance on. Default: localhost
allowedUsernameCharacters: The characters to accept in newly registered usernames. Default: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789*-
acceptNewCharts: When the server receives a score for a chart it has never seen before:
  true: the server will store the chart information and accept the score.
  false: the server will reject the score with statusCode 42.
  Default: true
adjacentRecordsN: The number of scores to either side of the player's PB to return in the response to score submissions. Default: 2
typicalWindows: The hit windows that will be considered 'typical' by the server.
  Default: {perfect: 46, good: 150, hold: 150, miss: 300, slam: 84} (i.e, the same as the USC default hit windows)
acceptAtypicalWindows: When the server receives a score that uses windows other than typicalWindows:
  true: the server will accept the score
  false: the server will reject the score
  Default: false


In the scripts directory are some simple node scripts that can be used alongside the server.


This script is used to import charts into the server. It may be used in conjunction with acceptNewCharts: false to establish a whitelist of charts, for instance, if you only want to accept converts of official charts. It expects you to fill the 'import' directory in the same directory as it with all of your chart folders, which it will then check for, and import, .ksh files to the database specified in the server's config.json.



Running 'node import.js' would import the MXM and EXH of both 666 and VVelcome!!. random.ksh would not be imported, nor would Ωverflow MXM.


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