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@github-actions github-actions released this 22 Sep 17:52
· 688 commits to main since this release

What's new

Added πŸŽ‰

  • Added config option sort_by to allow setting search result order by "path", "modified", "accessed", or "created".
  • Added config option sort_reversed to allow setting search result sort reversed order. The default is true.
  • Added an extra option for daily notes to allow changing the default title from "%B %-d, %Y" to other strings.
  • Added a configuration option daily_notes.template for automatically using a specific template when creating a new daily note.
  • Adding a configuration option templates.substitutions for defining custom template substitutions.

Changed ⚠️

  • Minor change to the behavior of :ObsidianNew. The argument to this command can be in one of 3 different forms which determine the behavior of the command:
    1. A raw title without any path components, e.g. :ObsidianNew Foo. In this case the command will pass the title to the note_id_func and put the note in the default location.
    2. A title prefixed by a path component, e.g. :ObsidianNew notes/Foo. In this case the command will pass the title "Foo" to the note_id_func and put the note in the directory of the path prefix "notes/".
    3. An exact path, e.g. :ObsidianNew notes/ In this case the command will put the new note at the path given and the title will be inferred from the filename ("foo").

Fixed βœ…

  • A bug when following links when headers have a space.
  • Fixed ObsidianFollowLink when the note path contains a block link (e.g. [[foo#^Bar]]).
  • Fixed :ObsidianOpen doesn't work in WSL2
  • Improved completion start pattern to trigger anytime [[ is typed.
  • Fixed issue with parsing inline lists in YAML frontmatter when the items aren't wrapped in quotes.


9a45ebc Add note about LuaLS to CONTRIBUTING guide
3df8a3b Fix templates config bug (#202)
5059e18 chore: auto generate docs
ff98c63 update README
e7c3743 fix config for templates
1c6a28b chore: auto generate docs
ea6a89e Automatic template insertion in daily notes, custom template substitutions (#195)
9c0cf56 Fix YAML parsing on inline lists without quotes (#199)
1bd00a4 chore: auto generate docs
5d3d8d3 Add sort_by and sort_reversed config option (#200)
edc85df Improve completion trigger pattern (#198)
256ca78 chore: auto generate docs
6cb5591 Update README
41d7672 Add daily_notes.alias_format config option (#191)
d7c3b83 chore: auto generate docs
3725b89 If using wsl, use wsl-open (#187)
41bb0ca Minor change to behavior of :ObsidianNew command (#188)
b681a5c ignore '^' in link following, use %s instead to match spaces (#183)
5bda19a chore: auto generate docs
c56c4f2 update lazy.nvim example
9ac240d Allow spaces in header portion of links (#181)
e33f077 chore: auto generate docs
60f8da4 fix setup event for lazy.nvim