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support anchors/blocks in backlinks
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epwalsh committed Mar 8, 2024
1 parent 598cc7d commit 1c2921e
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Showing 3 changed files with 126 additions and 31 deletions.
115 changes: 93 additions & 22 deletions lua/obsidian/client.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -703,6 +703,8 @@ end
---@field url string|?
---@field line integer|?
---@field col integer|?
---@field anchor obsidian.note.HeaderAnchor|?
---@field block obsidian.note.Block|?

--- Resolve a link. If the link argument is `nil` we attempt to resolve a link under the cursor.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -767,20 +769,28 @@ Client.resolve_link_async = function(self, link, callback)
local matches = {}
for _, note in ipairs(notes) do
-- Resolve block or anchor link to line.
local line
---@type integer|?, obsidian.note.Block|?, obsidian.note.HeaderAnchor|?
local line, block_match, anchor_match
if block_link ~= nil then
local block_match = note:resolve_block(block_link)
block_match = note:resolve_block(block_link)
if block_match then
line = block_match.line
elseif anchor_link ~= nil then
local anchor_match = note:resolve_anchor_link(anchor_link)
anchor_match = note:resolve_anchor_link(anchor_link)
if anchor_match then
line = anchor_match.line

table.insert(matches, vim.tbl_extend("force", res, { path = note.path, note = note, line = line }))
{ path = note.path, note = note, line = line, block = block_match, anchor = anchor_match }

return callback(unpack(matches))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1180,23 +1190,33 @@ end
--- Find all backlinks to a note.
---@param note obsidian.Note The note to find backlinks for.
---@param opts { search: obsidian.SearchOpts|?, timeout: integer|? }|?
---@param opts { search: obsidian.SearchOpts|?, timeout: integer|?, anchor: string|?, block: string|? }|?
---@return obsidian.BacklinkMatches[]
Client.find_backlinks = function(self, note, opts)
opts = opts or {}
return block_on(function(cb)
return self:find_backlinks_async(note, cb, { search = })
return self:find_backlinks_async(note, cb, { search =, anchor = opts.anchor, block = opts.block })
end, opts.timeout)

--- An async version of 'find_backlinks()'.
---@param note obsidian.Note The note to find backlinks for.
---@param callback fun(backlinks: obsidian.BacklinkMatches[])
---@param opts { search: obsidian.SearchOpts }|?
---@param opts { search: obsidian.SearchOpts, anchor: string|?, block: string|? }|?
Client.find_backlinks_async = function(self, note, callback, opts)
opts = opts or {}

---@type string|?
local block = opts.block and util.standardize_block(opts.block) or nil
local anchor = opts.anchor and util.standardize_anchor(opts.anchor) or nil
---@type obsidian.note.HeaderAnchor|?
local anchor_obj
if anchor then
anchor_obj = note:resolve_anchor_link(anchor)

-- Maps paths (string) to note object and a list of matches.
---@type table<string, obsidian.BacklinkMatch[]>
local backlink_matches = {}
Expand All @@ -1216,24 +1236,50 @@ Client.find_backlinks_async = function(self, note, callback, opts)
local search_terms = {}
for ref in iter { tostring(, note:fname(), self:vault_relative_path(note.path) } do
if ref ~= nil then
-- Wiki links without anchors.
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("[[%s]]", ref)
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("[[%s|", ref)
-- Markdown link without anchors.
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("(%s)", ref)
-- Wiki links with anchors/blocks.
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("[[%s#", ref)
-- Markdown link with anchors/blocks.
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("(%s#", ref)
if anchor == nil and block == nil then
-- Wiki links without anchor/block.
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("[[%s]]", ref)
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("[[%s|", ref)
-- Markdown link without anchor/block.
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("(%s)", ref)
-- Wiki links with anchor/block.
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("[[%s#", ref)
-- Markdown link with anchor/block.
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("(%s#", ref)
elseif anchor then
-- Note: Obsidian allow a lot of different forms of anchor links, so we can't assume
-- it's the standardized form here.
-- Wiki links with anchor.
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("[[%s#", ref)
-- Markdown link with anchor.
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("(%s#", ref)
elseif block then
-- Wiki links with block.
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("[[%s#%s", ref, block)
-- Markdown link with block.
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("(%s#%s", ref, block)
for alias in iter(note.aliases) do
-- Wiki link without anchors.
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("[[%s]]", alias)
-- Wiki link with anchors/blocks.
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("[[%s#", alias)
if anchor == nil and block == nil then
-- Wiki link without anchor/block.
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("[[%s]]", alias)
-- Wiki link with anchor/block.
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("[[%s#", alias)
elseif anchor then
-- Wiki link with anchor.
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("[[%s#", alias)
elseif block then
-- Wiki link with block.
search_terms[#search_terms + 1] = string.format("[[%s#%s", alias, block)

---@type obsidian.note.LoadOpts
local load_opts = { collect_anchor_links = opts.anchor ~= nil, collect_blocks = opts.block ~= nil }

---@param match MatchData
local function on_match(match)
local path = { strict = true }

Expand All @@ -1246,7 +1292,7 @@ Client.find_backlinks_async = function(self, note, callback, opts)
-- Load note.
local n = path_to_note[path]
if not n then
local ok, res = pcall(Note.from_file_async, path)
local ok, res = pcall(Note.from_file_async, path, load_opts)
if ok then
n = res
path_to_note[path] = n
Expand All @@ -1260,6 +1306,29 @@ Client.find_backlinks_async = function(self, note, callback, opts)

if anchor then
-- Check for a match with the anchor.
-- NOTE: no need to do this with blocks, since blocks are standardized.
local match_text = string.sub(match.lines.text, match.submatches[1].start)
local link_location = util.parse_link(match_text)
if not link_location then
log.error("Failed to parse reference from '%s' ('%s')", match_text, match)

local anchor_link = select(2, util.strip_anchor_links(link_location))
if not anchor_link then

if anchor_link ~= anchor and anchor_obj ~= nil then
local resolved_anchor = note:resolve_anchor_link(anchor_link)
if resolved_anchor == nil or resolved_anchor.header ~= anchor_obj.header then

---@type obsidian.BacklinkMatch[]
local line_matches = backlink_matches[path]
if line_matches == nil then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1315,7 +1384,9 @@ Client.find_backlinks_async = function(self, note, callback, opts)

return results
return vim.tbl_filter(function(bl)
return bl.matches ~= nil
end, results)
end, callback)

Expand Down
41 changes: 32 additions & 9 deletions lua/obsidian/commands/backlinks.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,10 @@ local RefTypes = require("").RefTypes
---@param client obsidian.Client
---@param picker obsidian.Picker
---@param note obsidian.Note
local function collect_backlinks(client, picker, note)
---@param opts { anchor: string|?, block: string|? }|?
local function collect_backlinks(client, picker, note, opts)
opts = opts or {}

client:find_backlinks_async(note, function(backlinks)
if vim.tbl_isempty(backlinks) then "No backlinks found"
Expand All @@ -31,33 +34,53 @@ local function collect_backlinks(client, picker, note)
end, { search = { sort = true } })
end, { search = { sort = true }, anchor = opts.anchor, block = opts.block })

---@param client obsidian.Client
return function(client, _)
return function(client)
local picker = assert(client:picker())
if not picker then
log.err "No picker configured"

local cursor_link, _, ref_type = util.parse_cursor_link()
if cursor_link ~= nil and ref_type ~= RefTypes.NakedUrl and ref_type ~= RefTypes.FileUrl then
client:resolve_note_async(cursor_link, function(...)
local location, _, ref_type = util.parse_cursor_link()

if location ~= nil and ref_type ~= RefTypes.NakedUrl and ref_type ~= RefTypes.FileUrl then
-- Remove block links from the end if there are any.
-- TODO: handle block links.
---@type string|?
local block_link
location, block_link = util.strip_block_links(location)

-- Remove anchor links from the end if there are any.
---@type string|?
local anchor_link
location, anchor_link = util.strip_anchor_links(location)

-- Assume 'location' is current buffer path if empty, like for TOCs.
if string.len(location) == 0 then
location = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0)

local opts = { anchor = anchor_link, block = block_link }

client:resolve_note_async(location, function(...)
---@type obsidian.Note[]
local notes = { ... }

if #notes == 0 then
log.err("No notes matching '%s'", cursor_link)
log.err("No notes matching '%s'", location)
elseif #notes == 1 then
return collect_backlinks(client, picker, notes[1])
return collect_backlinks(client, picker, notes[1], opts)
return vim.schedule(function()
picker:pick_note(notes, {
prompt_title = "Select note",
callback = function(note)
collect_backlinks(client, picker, note)
collect_backlinks(client, picker, note, opts)
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lua/obsidian/note.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -740,6 +740,7 @@ Note.resolve_anchor_link = function(self, anchor_link)

assert(self.path, "'note.path' is not set")
local n = Note.from_file(self.path, { collect_anchor_links = true })
self.anchor_links = n.anchor_links
return n:resolve_anchor_link(anchor_link)

Expand Down

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