An over-engineered port of MiniScheme aiming for R4RS compliance but mostly just a playground to learn how to put together a working lexer/parser stack.
- re2c for lexing
- lemon for parsing
- linenoise for command line history/editing.
Mini-Scheme Interpreter Version 0.85
coded by Atsushi Moriwaki (11/5/1989)
E-MAIL : [email protected]
This version has been modified by R.C. Secrist.
Mini-Scheme is now maintained by Akira KIDA.
This is a revised and modified version by Akira KIDA.
current version is 0.85k4 (15 May 1994)
This software is completely free to copy, modify and/or re-distribute.
But I would appreciate it if you left my name on the code as the author.
Some (a lot of) code ported from TinyScheme
lcm & gcd in init.scm from stalin
re2c >= 1.0.3
lemon parser generator source is in tree
linenoise included as a git submodule
- quasiquote macro doesn't work inside a vector
- #| comments |# overflow the input buffer
- numerator
- denominator
- rationalize
- make-rectangular
- make-polar
- real-part
- imag-part
- magnitude
- angle
- string-set!
- string=?
- string-ci=?
- string<?
- string>?
- string<=?
- string>=?
- string-ci<?
- string-ci>?
- string-ci<=?
- string-ci>=?
- substring
- string-append
- string->list
- list->string
- string-copy
- string-fill!
- call-with-input-file
- call-with-output-file
- with-input-from-file
- with-output-to-file
- open-input-file
- open-output-file
- close-input-file
- close-output-file
- read-char
- peek-char
- eof-object?
- char-ready?
- transcript-on
- transcript-off