This module is based on The goal is to extract the code/configuration required to use Duo for two-factor authentication and package it into a module that can be easily included in a CAS deployment.
DuoSecurity provides a hosted service for two-factor authentication using mobile devices, landline phones and hardware tokens. They provide clients for various applications (VPN, SSH, etc) but an integration for CAS wasn't available. Mike Kennedy developed the integration using the Java DuoWeb Client.
Signup for a free account on Duo's website: and follow the instructions for creating a new Duo Web Integration. You'll also need to take note of your:
- Integration Key
- Secret Key
- API Hostname
The wiki article on how to configure it is here
You'll need to include the Unicon cas-addons module in your Maven overlay. In particular, you must use the JSON Service Registry to add Duo authentication. The extraAttributes
stored with each service are used to determine which services and users require two-factor authentication.
I'll also take a minute to plug one of my other projects: cas-json-tool It's a command-line program for managing the JSON file and includes options for creating and maintaining the service attributes necessary to use Duo authentication.
git clone
cd cas-server-extension-duo
mvn clean package install
Add the following block to the pom.xml
in your CAS overlay
First, add the DuoAuthenticationHandler
bean to the list of authentication handlers in deployerConfigContext.xml
<property name="authenticationHandlers">
___other AuthenticationHandlers___
<bean class=""
p:duoConfiguration-ref="duoConfiguration" />
- duoConfiguration-ref: A reference to the bean that hold the configuration information for Duo (you'll create this later).
You'll also need to add DuoCredentialsToPrincipalResolver
to the list of principal resolvers:
<property name="credentialsToPrincipalResolvers">
___other credentialToPrincipalResolvers___
<bean class="" />
In order to determine if the user's current authentication is sufficient to access a new service (has he logged in with duo or not), we need to add some information onto the user's Authentication
<property name="authenticationMetaDataPopulators">
<bean class=""/>
<bean class=""/>
There are two new files in WEB-INF/spring-configuration
that need to be configured for your environment. The first is twoFactorCasConfiguration.xml
. Here is an example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<bean id="serviceLookupManager"
<property name="mfaRequiredKey" value="RequireTwoFactor"/>
<property name="mfaRequiredAttributesKey" value="TwoFactorAttributes"/>
<bean id="userLookupManager"
<property name="mfaRequiredKey" value="RequireTwoFactorForAllServices"/>
<property name="mfaRequiredValue" value="YES"/>
<bean id="determineIfTwoFactorAction" class="">
<property name="ticketRegistry" ref="ticketRegistry"/>
<property name="servicesManager" ref="servicesManager"/>
<property name="serviceMultiFactorLookupManager" ref="serviceLookupManager"/>
<property name="userMultiFactorLookupManager" ref="userLookupManager"/>
<bean id="checkLoaOfTicketGrantingTicket" class="">
<property name="serviceMultiFactorLookupManager" ref="serviceLookupManager"/>
<property name="servicesManager" ref="servicesManager"/>
<property name="ticketRegistry" ref="ticketRegistry"/>
<bean id="generateDuoCredentials" class="">
<property name="ticketRegistry" ref="ticketRegistry"/>
checks the JSON service registry for the requested service and determines if two-factor authentication is required for the current user. This bean has two properties:
- Attribute that contains what user population (ALL, NONE, or CHECK_ATTRIBUTE) will be required to use two-factor auth. (default: casMFARequired)mfaRequiredAttributesKey
- This attribute is used when the service'scasMFARequired
attribute equals CHECK_ATTRIBUTE. It contains one or more attributes/values that are compared to the user's attributes to determine if two-factor authentication is required. (default: casMFAUserAttributes)
Example service entry requiring any user who is a member of EITHER the admins
or power-users
groups to use Duo authentication. All other users could login with just username/password credentials.
"services": [
"enabled": true,
"ignoreAttributes": false,
"theme": "default",
"id": 1,
"extraAttributes": {
"casMFARequired": "CHECK_ATTRIBUTE",
"casMFAUserAttributes": {
"memberOf": ["admins", "power-users"]
"allowedToProxy": true,
"serviceId": "",
"description": "Secure service - Admins and power-users need two-factor auth to login",
"name": "My example service",
"ssoEnabled": true,
"anonymousAccess": false,
"evaluationOrder": 0,
"allowedAttributes": [
compares the attributes/values with the map of attributes from the user's CAS principal, so any user attribute you want to check values for before requiring Duo auth must be configured in theattributeRepository
bean indeployerConfigContext.xml
Releasing the attribute to services is not required, however.
The AttributeUserMultiFactorLookupManager
looks for a specific attribute/value pair in the user's principal to determine is they are required to use Duo authentication for all CAS services.
- attribute to return from search (default: casMFARequired)mfaRequiredValue
- The value that, if found, will require the user to authenticate with two-factor for all services. (default: YES)
is a Spring Webflow action that determines if two-factor authentication is required for the current login webflow.
- Reference to the bean configuring the JSON service registry (this value will usually be "servicesManager"). -
- Reference to the bean configuring the server's Ticket Registry (This value will usually be "ticketRegistry"). -
- Reference to the bean (above) that configuresRegisteredServiceMultiFactorLookupManager
- Reference to the bean (above) that configuresAttributeUserMultiFactorLookupManager
If you don't want to use one of these lookups, just comment out the bean definition and the serviceMultiFactorLookupManager
or userMultiFactorLookupManager
is a Spring Webflow action that determines if the current authentication has a Level of Assurance high enough to access the requested service without requiring re-authentication.
- Reference to the bean (above) that configuresJsonServiceMultiFactorLookupManager
- Reference to the bean configuring the JSON service registry (this value will usually be "servicesManager")ticketRegistry
- Reference to the bean configuring the server's Ticket Registry (This value will usually be "ticketRegistry")
is a Spring webflow action that extracts the current authentication object and credentials and uses them to create a new DuoCredential.
- Reference to the bean configuring the server's Ticket Registry (This value will usaully be "ticketRegistry")
This file in WEB-INF/spring-configuration
configures the use of the DuoWeb Java client.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<bean id="duoConfiguration" class="">
<constructor-arg index="0" value="${duo.apiHost}"/>
<constructor-arg index="1" value="${duo.integrationKey}"/>
<constructor-arg index="2" value="${duo.secretKey}"/>
<constructor-arg index="3" value="${duo.applicationKey}"/>
<bean id="duoUtils" class="">
<property name="duoConfiguration" ref="duoConfiguration"/>
To keep confidential information out of the XML config files, the actual conifuration data should be saved in your
duo.apiHost =
duo.secretKey = abcdef123456789012abcdef1234567890
duo.applicationKey = reallylongkeygoeshere
To authenticate with Duo, you'll need to add one new view to your CAS configuration: casDuoLoginView
First, add the following lines to the end of properties file for your theme(s) or
if you are using the default CAS theme.
### Duo Login view
The JSP page is very simple - all of the user's interaction with the Duo service happens within an iFrame:
<jsp:directive.include file="includes/top.jsp" />
<script src="<c:url value='js/duo/Duo-Web-v1.bundled.min.js'/>"></script>
'host': '${apiHost}',
'sig_request': '${sigRequest}',
'post_argument': 'signedDuoResponse'
<form:form method="post" id="duo_form" cssClass="fm-v clearfix" commandName="${commandName}" htmlEscape="true">
<input type="hidden" name="lt" value="${loginTicket}" />
<input type="hidden" name="execution" value="${flowExecutionKey}" />
<input type="hidden" name="_eventId" value="submit" />
<div class="box fl-panel" id="login">
<iframe id="duo_iframe" width="100%" height="360" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<jsp:directive.include file="includes/bottom.jsp" />
The final step is to modify the login webflow to include the checks for TwoFactor requirements and the display of the Duo login view.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<flow xmlns=""
<var name="credentials" class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.UsernamePasswordCredentials" />
<evaluate expression="initialFlowSetupAction" />
<decision-state id="ticketGrantingTicketExistsCheck">
<if test="flowScope.ticketGrantingTicketId != null" then="hasServiceCheck" else="gatewayRequestCheck" />
<decision-state id="gatewayRequestCheck">
<if test="requestParameters.gateway != '' and requestParameters.gateway != null and flowScope.service != null" then="gatewayServicesManagementCheck" else="serviceAuthorizationCheck" />
<decision-state id="hasServiceCheck">
<if test="flowScope.service != null" then="renewRequestCheck" else="viewGenericLoginSuccess" />
<!-- changed for duo support
<decision-state id="renewRequestCheck">
<if test="requestParameters.renew != '' and requestParameters.renew != null" then="generateLoginTicket" else="generateServiceTicket" />
<decision-state id="renewRequestCheck">
<if test="requestParameters.renew != '' and requestParameters.renew != null" then="generateLoginTicket" else="checkLoaOfTGT" />
<!-- added for Duo Support -->
<action-state id="checkLoaOfTGT">
<evaluate expression="checkLoaOfTicketGrantingTicket"/>
<transition on="continue" to="generateServiceTicket"/>
<transition on="renewForTwoFactor" to="startDuoSecondFactorFlow"/>
<!-- Do a service authorization check early without the need to login first -->
<action-state id="serviceAuthorizationCheck">
<evaluate expression="serviceAuthorizationCheck"/>
<transition to="generateLoginTicket"/>
<!-- -->
The "warn" action makes the determination of whether to redirect directly to the requested
service or display the "confirmation" page to go back to the server.
<decision-state id="warn">
<if test="flowScope.warnCookieValue" then="showWarningView" else="redirect" />
<action-state id="startAuthenticate">
<action bean="x509Check" />
<transition on="success" to="sendTicketGrantingTicket" />
<transition on="warn" to="warn" />
<transition on="error" to="generateLoginTicket" />
LPPE transitions begin here: You will also need to
move over the 'lppe-configuration.xml' file from the
'unused-spring-configuration' folder to the 'spring-configuration' folder
so CAS can pick up the definition for the bean 'passwordPolicyAction'.
<action-state id="passwordPolicyCheck">
<evaluate expression="passwordPolicyAction" />
<transition on="showWarning" to="passwordServiceCheck" />
<transition on="success" to="sendTicketGrantingTicket" />
<transition on="error" to="viewLoginForm" />
<action-state id="passwordServiceCheck">
<evaluate expression="sendTicketGrantingTicketAction" />
<transition to="passwordPostCheck" />
<decision-state id="passwordPostCheck">
<if test="flowScope.service != null" then="warnPassRedirect" else="pwdWarningPostView" />
<action-state id="warnPassRedirect">
<evaluate expression="generateServiceTicketAction" />
<transition on="success" to="pwdWarningPostView" />
<transition on="error" to="generateLoginTicket" />
<transition on="gateway" to="gatewayServicesManagementCheck" />
<end-state id="pwdWarningAbstractView">
<set name="flowScope.passwordPolicyUrl" value="passwordPolicyAction.getPasswordPolicyUrl()" />
<end-state id="pwdWarningPostView" view="casWarnPassView" parent="#pwdWarningAbstractView" />
<end-state id="casExpiredPassView" view="casExpiredPassView" parent="#pwdWarningAbstractView" />
<end-state id="casMustChangePassView" view="casMustChangePassView" parent="#pwdWarningAbstractView" />
<end-state id="casAccountDisabledView" view="casAccountDisabledView" />
<end-state id="casAccountLockedView" view="casAccountLockedView" />
<end-state id="casBadHoursView" view="casBadHoursView" />
<end-state id="casBadWorkstationView" view="casBadWorkstationView" />
<!-- LPPE transitions end here... -->
<action-state id="generateLoginTicket">
<evaluate expression="generateLoginTicketAction.generate(flowRequestContext)" />
<transition on="generated" to="viewLoginForm" />
<view-state id="viewLoginForm" view="casLoginView" model="credentials">
<binding property="username" />
<binding property="password" />
<set name="viewScope.commandName" value="'credentials'" />
<transition on="submit" bind="true" validate="true" to="realSubmit">
<evaluate expression="authenticationViaFormAction.doBind(flowRequestContext, flowScope.credentials)" />
<action-state id="realSubmit">
<evaluate expression="authenticationViaFormAction.submit(flowRequestContext, flowScope.credentials, messageContext)" />
<transition on="warn" to="determineIfTwoFactor" /> <!-- Changed for Duo Support -->
<transition on="success" to="determineIfTwoFactor" /> <!-- Changed for Duo Support -->
<transition on="error" to="generateLoginTicket" />
<transition on="accountDisabled" to="casAccountDisabledView" />
<transition on="mustChangePassword" to="casMustChangePassView" />
<transition on="accountLocked" to="casAccountLockedView" />
<transition on="badHours" to="casBadHoursView" />
<transition on="badWorkstation" to="casBadWorkstationView" />
<transition on="passwordExpired" to="casExpiredPassView" />
<!-- Added for Duo support -->
<action-state id="determineIfTwoFactor">
<evaluate expression="determineIfTwoFactorAction" />
<transition on="multiFactorNeeded" to="startDuoSecondFactorFlow" />
<transition on="noMultiFactorNeeded" to="passwordPolicyCheck" />
<transition on="error" to="generateLoginTicket" />
<action-state id="startDuoSecondFactorFlow">
<evaluate expression="generateLoginTicketAction.generate(flowRequestContext)" />
<transition on="generated" to="generateDuoCredentials" />
<action-state id="generateDuoCredentials">
<evaluate expression="generateDuoCredentials.createDuoCredentials(flowRequestContext)" />
<transition on="created" to="viewLoginFormTF" />
<transition on="error" to="generateLoginTicket" />
<view-state id="viewLoginFormTF" view="casDuoLoginView" model="duoCredentials">
<binding property="signedDuoResponse" />
<evaluate expression="duoUtils.generateSignedRequest(flowScope.duoCredentials.getPrincipal().getId())" result="viewScope.sigRequest"/>
<set name="viewScope.apiHost" value="duoConfiguration.getApiHost()" />
<set name="viewScope.commandName" value="'duoCredentials'" />
<transition on="submit" bind="true" validate="true" to="realSubmitTF">
<evaluate expression="authenticationViaFormAction.doBind(flowRequestContext, flowScope.duoCredentials)" />
<action-state id="realSubmitTF">
<evaluate expression="authenticationViaFormAction.submit(flowRequestContext, flowScope.duoCredentials, messageContext)" />
To enable LPPE on the 'warn' replace the below transition with:
<transition on="warn" to="passwordPolicyCheck" />
CAS will attempt to transition to the 'warn' when there's a 'renew' parameter
and there exists a ticketGrantingId and a service for the incoming request.
<transition on="warn" to="warn" />
To enable LPPE on the 'success' replace the below transition with:
<transition on="success" to="passwordPolicyCheck" />
<transition on="warn" to="warn" />
<transition on="success" to="sendTicketGrantingTicket" />
<transition on="error" to="viewLoginForm" />
<action-state id="sendTicketGrantingTicket">
<evaluate expression="sendTicketGrantingTicketAction" />
<transition to="serviceCheck" />
<decision-state id="serviceCheck">
<if test="flowScope.service != null" then="generateServiceTicket" else="viewGenericLoginSuccess" />
<action-state id="generateServiceTicket">
<evaluate expression="generateServiceTicketAction" />
<transition on="success" to ="warn" />
<transition on="error" to="generateLoginTicket" />
<transition on="gateway" to="gatewayServicesManagementCheck" />
<action-state id="gatewayServicesManagementCheck">
<evaluate expression="gatewayServicesManagementCheck" />
<transition on="success" to="redirect" />
<action-state id="redirect">
<evaluate expression="flowScope.service.getResponse(requestScope.serviceTicketId)" result-type="org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.Response" result="requestScope.response" />
<transition to="postRedirectDecision" />
<decision-state id="postRedirectDecision">
<if test=" == 'POST'" then="postView" else="redirectView" />
the "viewGenericLogin" is the end state for when a user attempts to login without coming directly from a service.
They have only initialized their single-sign on session.
<end-state id="viewGenericLoginSuccess" view="casLoginGenericSuccessView" />
The "showWarningView" end state is the end state for when the user has requested privacy settings (to be "warned") to be turned on. It delegates to a
view defines in that display the "Please click here to go to the service." message.
<end-state id="showWarningView" view="casLoginConfirmView" />
<end-state id="postView" view="postResponseView">
<set name="requestScope.parameters" value="requestScope.response.attributes" />
<set name="requestScope.originalUrl" value="" />
The "redirect" end state allows CAS to properly end the workflow while still redirecting
the user back to the service required.
<end-state id="redirectView" view="externalRedirect:${requestScope.response.url}" />
<end-state id="viewServiceErrorView" view="viewServiceErrorView" />
<end-state id="viewServiceSsoErrorView" view="viewServiceSsoErrorView" />
<!-- CAS-1023 This one is simple - redirects to a login page (same as renew) when 'ssoEnabled' flag is unchecked
instead of showing an intermediate unauthorized view with a link to login page -->
<transition to="viewLoginForm" on-exception=""/>
<transition to="viewServiceErrorView" on-exception="org.springframework.webflow.execution.repository.NoSuchFlowExecutionException" />
<transition to="viewServiceErrorView" on-exception="" />