The Slot Machine Simulator is a hardware prototype which interfaces with an LCD screen, coin acceptor, 2 buttons, and 9 LEDs using Python.
- Enter quarters into coin acceptor.
- When ready, press the Start button to roll.
- The program randomly generates 3 numbers between 1-3 and reflects them onto the 9 LEDs.
- If 3 LEDs match, player receives 2.0x their initial bet.
- If 2 LEDs match, player receives 1.5x their initial bet.
- If no LEDs match, the player doesn't receive a payout.
- When prompted, press the Start button to play again or Exit button to end play.
- Raspberry Pi Model 3B+
- 16x2 LCD Screen
- Coin Acceptor Model CH-926
- 2 buttons
- 3 Red, 3 Green, 3 Blue LEDs
- 9 220Ω Resistors
- T-Cobbler
- Breadboard
- Jumper Cables
- 12V 1A Power Supply (For coin acceptor)
- 5V 2.5A Power Supply (For Raspberry Pi)
In Raspberry Pi CLI, access rc.local file:
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
Add the following to the end of the file:
sudo python /home/pi/ &
exit 0
Press CTRL+X then Y to save changes.