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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 10, 2021. It is now read-only.


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If you don't have Rust:

Install Rust

Add wasm32 target to Rust

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Check for Rust version 1.51.0. To compile the simulation tests mg-sim, make sure to have at least Rust 1.51.0. The mg-sim tests depend indirectly on the arrayvec library. This library in v0.7.0 uses a Rust feature available from 1.51.0, const generics. You can check Rust version with rustc --version. If an update is needed, run

rustup update stable

Install near-ts and near-md (optional)

near-ts is a utility to generate TypeScript bindings from a Rust contract. On the other hand, near-md is a utility to generate Markdown documentation from a Rust contract. You can install it with

cargo install near-syn

Or alternatively you can install it directly from GitHub

cargo install --git --branch main

To Explore


The package.json contains scripts to facilitate running compilation targets and tests. The following are the most relevant scripts.

  • build:contracts. Builds both mg_nft.wasm and mg_market.wasm contracts for the wasm32-unknown-unknown target. The wasm binaries can be found under release/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release folder.
  • unit-test:contracts. Runs both mg-nft and mg-market contract unit tests. These tests are being executed locally using the host architecture. In other words, they are not compile down to WebAssembly.
  • app-test:contracts. Executes the application tests. The application tests run both contracts in testnet. It creates user and contract accounts to test the contracts. The accounts IDs used are cached in the neardev folder. Moreover, the script automatically deploys contracts to the testnet contract accounts. It ensures that both contracts are already built before running the tests.
  • app-test:contracts:clean. Removes the neardev folder which contains the account IDs created for app-test:contracts.
  • ts:contracts. Generates both mg-nft and mg-market contracts TypeScript bindings in src folder. The near-ts utility (from near-syn package) needs to be installed to execute this script.
  • md:contracts. Generates both mg-nft and mg-market contracts documentation in their respective folders. The near-md utility (from near-syn package) needs to be installed to execute this script.
  • dev-deploy:contract. WIP. Deploys contracts to a dev account.
  • deploy:contract. WIP. Deploys contracts to an already logged in account.
  • build:lib. Builds the contract client library.
  • lint:lib. Provides linting checks for the contract client library.
  • measure:storage-costs. Performs an arbitrary number of operations for collectibles and tokens on nft-contract and market-contract. Collects the information on how much Ⓝ reserved for storage. Generates data.js file in tests folder.


  • User: any Internet user who may (or may not) have NEAR Account
  • NEAR User: a User who has NEAR Account
  • Creator (aka Artist): a User who has NEAR Account and MintGate account. Creator creates Collectibles. Creator cannot be changed once set for Collectible.
  • Admin: a NEAR User that operates MintGate NFT contract, or another NEAR Account that takes this role as assigned during build and deployment process of NFT contract.
  • Claimer (aka Holder): a NEAR User who mints Tokens for selected Collectible on the NFT contract. Creator and Admin also can act as a Claimer. Claimer becomes an Owner after s_he successfully minted a Token.
  • Buyer: a NEAR User who purchases Token from Marketplace. Buyer becomes an Owner after s_he successfully purchased a Token.
  • Seller: an Owner who sells Token on the Marketplace from the moment when he approves Marketplace until deal will be settled, and he looses ownership over a Token.
  • Owner: a NEAR User who owns a Token of any Collectible as a result of minting it on NFT contract, buying from Marketplace, or receiving it as a gift from another Owner.
  • Royalty beneficiary: a NEAR User who receives % from each deal closed on any of the Marketplaces with each Token. There will be exactly 1 Royalty beneficiary. It may be a Creator, but may be not. Royalty beneficiary cannot be changed once set for Collectible.
  • Collectible: NFT with information about its Creator, Supply and other Metadata, identified uniquely by GateID provided externally from MintGate platform.
  • GateID: unique identifier of Collectible that originally generated by MintGate and stored in their master database off-chain.
  • Supply: maximum amount of Tokens that can be minted for given Collectible. Minimum supply is 1 ("Pure NFT"). When NFT has Supply > 1, it can be named a semi-fungible Token.
  • Current Supply: number of remaining Tokens available for minting for given Collectible. Current Supply <= Supply, and always decreasing towards 0. When CurrentSupply=0 then Tokens for this Collectible can be obtained from Marketplace, or as a result of direct transfer from Owner to NEAR User (as a gift or a deal settled off-chain).
  • Token: an asset on NFT Contract that is identified by unique ID and that always belongs to one Collectible and has one Owner.

Storage Costs

measure:storage-costs script measures the costs of storage for nft-contract and market-contract. It performs operations on collectibles and tokens on the contracts, collects the information on changes in Ⓝ reserved for storage for different methods.

By default, measure:storage-costs adds 20 collectibes and 40 tokens for test account (it reuses already present accounts or creates new ones and deploys contracts if needed).

It is also possible to instruct the script to add the arbitrary number of collectibles and tokens.

To do so run from project's root:

ts-node test/measure.ts --collectibles 100 -- tokens 200


  • --collectibles: number of collectibles to add. Number of times create_collectible, delete_collectible will be executed.
  • --tokens: number of tokens to add. claim_token, nft_transfer, nft_approve, batch_approve, nft_revoke, buy_token will be executed for this number of tokens.

The script generates data.js file in tests folder. The information from data.js as datasets for charts in chart.html file also located in tests folder. To see the charts open chart.html in any browser.

Example of storage costs charts with data generated by running measure script with default values:



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