This repository includes the codes to produce datasets and implement the training, LES, and analyses in the accompanying paper Explaining the physics of transfer learning in data-driven turbulence modeling The following links to the datasets that can be used for the training of networks,
- python 3.8
- TensorFlow 2
- Keras 2.4.3
- Matlab
Code takes in training and validation data sets to train a new BNN from a random initialization. This outputs the trained model as well as the predictions of the trained model on a test set of data.
Code takes in training and validation data as well as a trained BNN to perform transfer learning. The code for two layers is easily modified to select any combination of any number of layers.
Network Post Processing (,, and
These codes all take a trained BNN or TLNN and extract out the weights or activation to a .mat format for later analysis. The code computes the activations, but removes any nonlinearity after the final layer before outputting activations.
This code is used for the online testing. This code takes in a trained NN and an initial condition to generate data from large eddy simulation.
This take the extracted network weights, computes the kernels with the largest changes due to re-training and plots the spectrum of the kernel from both the BNN and TLNN.
@article{subel2022explaining, title={Explaining the physics of transfer learning a data-driven subgrid-scale closure to a different turbulent flow}, author={Subel, Adam and Guan, Yifei and Chattopadhyay, Ashesh and Hassanzadeh, Pedram}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.03198}, year={2022} }