Demo project which implements accumulative loyalty system
POST /api/user/register
Registration is carried out using a pair of login / password. Each login is unique.
If registration is successful, the user is automatically authenticated.
POST /api/user/register HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"login": "<login>",
"password": "<password>"
- 200 - the user is successfully registered and authenticated;
- 400 - invalid request format;
- 409 - login is already taken;
- 500 - internal server error.
POST /api/user/login
Аутентификация производится по паре логин/пароль.
POST /api/user/login HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"login": "<login>",
"password": "<password>"
- 200 - the user is successfully authenticated;
- 400 - invalid request format;
- 401 - invalid login / password pair;
- 500 - internal server error.
POST /api/user/orders
The handler is available only to authenticated users.
The order number is a sequence of digits of arbitrary length.
The order number must match the Luna algorithm.
POST /api/user/orders HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain
- 200 - the order number has already been uploaded by this user;
- 202 - the new order number is accepted for processing;
- 400 - invalid request format;
- 401 - the user is not authenticated;
- 409 - the order number has already been uploaded by another user;
- 422 - invalid order number format;
- 500 - internal server error.
GET /api/user/orders
The handler is available only to an authorized user.
Order numbers are sorted by load time from oldest to newest.
The date format is RFC3339.
* NEW - the order has been uploaded to the system, but not processed;
* PROCESSING - the reward for the order is calculated;
* INVALID - the reward calculation system refused to pay;
* PROCESSED - the order data has been verified and
the payment information has been successfully received.
GET /api/user/orders HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 0
- 200 - successful request processing;
- 204 - no data to answer;
- 401 - the user is not authorized;
- 500 - internal server error.
Start migrations:
migrate -path migrations -database "postgres://localhost/gophermart?sslmode=disable" up