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Print pending groups in-line and include their reason, also add progr…
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…ess bar to the runner (#9796)

- Closes #9534 by printing the pending groups with pending reason
- Re-introduces original ordering of tests
- Adds a progress bar to the test suite runner in 'interactive' mode (if ANSI colors are enabled, progress bar will also be)
  • Loading branch information
radeusgd authored Apr 26, 2024
1 parent c5bf238 commit 8e03e3b
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Showing 3 changed files with 118 additions and 32 deletions.
13 changes: 6 additions & 7 deletions distribution/lib/Standard/Test/0.0.0-dev/src/Helpers.enso
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,26 +14,25 @@ import project.Test.Test
import project.Test_Reporter
import project.Test_Result.Test_Result

run_group : Group -> Vector Test_Result
run_group (group : Group) =
assert group.is_pending.not
run_specs_from_group group.specs group

run_specs_from_group : Vector Spec -> Group -> Vector Test_Result
run_specs_from_group (specs : Vector Spec) (group : Group) =
run_specs_from_group : Vector Spec -> Group -> Any -> Vector Test_Result
run_specs_from_group (specs : Vector Spec) (group : Group) progress_reporter =
assert (group.is_pending.not)
case specs.is_empty of
True -> []
False ->
test_results = spec->
assert (group_contains_spec group spec)
progress_reporter.report_progress (": "
pair = run_spec spec
spec_res = pair.second
time_taken = pair.first
Test_Result.Impl spec_res time_taken

progress_reporter.report_progress (": (Teardown)") increment=0
# Invoke the teardown of the group
group.teardown Nothing

Expand Down
40 changes: 24 additions & 16 deletions distribution/lib/Standard/Test/0.0.0-dev/src/Suite.enso
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,46 +61,54 @@ type Suite
run_with_filter self (filter : (Text | Nothing) = Nothing) (should_exit : Boolean = True) -> (Boolean | Nothing) =
config = Suite_Config.from_environment

# Map of groups to vector of specs that match the filter
matching_specs = self.groups.fold Map.empty map-> group->
# List of pairs of groups and their specs that match the filter
matching_specs = self.groups.flat_map group->
group_matches = name_matches filter
case group_matches of
True ->
# Include all the specs from the group
map.insert group group.specs
[[group, group.specs]]
False ->
# Try to include only some specs from the group
matched_specs = group.specs.filter spec->
name_matches filter
case matched_specs.is_empty of
True -> map
True -> []
False ->
assert (map.contains_key group . not)
map.insert group matched_specs
[[group, matched_specs]]

progress_reporter = case Test_Reporter.is_terminal_interactive of
True ->
matching_spec_count = (p-> p.second.length) . fold 0 (+)
Test_Reporter.Command_Line_Progress_Reporter.make matching_spec_count
False ->

all_results_bldr = Vector.new_builder
junit_sb_builder = if config.should_output_junit then else Nothing
Test_Reporter.wrap_junit_testsuites config junit_sb_builder <|
matching_specs.each_with_key group-> specs->
if group.is_pending.not then
results = Helpers.run_specs_from_group specs group
Test_Reporter.print_report results config junit_sb_builder
all_results_bldr.append_vector_range results
matching_specs.each p->
group = p.first
specs = p.second
case group.is_pending of
False ->
results = Helpers.run_specs_from_group specs group progress_reporter
Test_Reporter.print_report results config junit_sb_builder
all_results_bldr.append_vector_range results
True ->
Test_Reporter.print_pending_group group config junit_sb_builder

all_results = all_results_bldr.to_vector
succ_tests = all_results.filter (r-> r.is_success) . length
failed_tests = all_results.filter (r-> r.is_fail) . length
skipped_tests = all_results.filter (r-> r.is_pending) . length
pending_groups = matching_specs.filter (p-> p.first.is_pending) . length
case should_exit of
True ->
IO.println <| succ_tests.to_text + " tests succeeded."
IO.println <| failed_tests.to_text + " tests failed."
IO.println <| skipped_tests.to_text + " tests skipped."
pending_groups = matching_specs.keys.filter (group-> group.is_pending)
pending_groups_details = case pending_groups.is_empty of
True -> "."
False -> ": " + ( (it-> . to_text)
IO.println <| pending_groups.length.to_text + " groups skipped" + pending_groups_details
IO.println <| pending_groups.to_text + " groups skipped."
exit_code = if failed_tests > 0 then 1 else 0
System.exit exit_code
False ->
Expand Down
97 changes: 88 additions & 9 deletions distribution/lib/Standard/Test/0.0.0-dev/src/Test_Reporter.enso
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,15 +2,18 @@ private

from Standard.Base import all
import Standard.Base.Runtime.Context
import Standard.Base.Runtime.Ref.Ref
from Standard.Base.Runtime import assert

import project.Group.Group
import project.Internal.Stack_Trace_Helpers
import project.Spec_Result.Spec_Result
import project.Suite_Config.Suite_Config
import project.Test.Test
import project.Test_Result.Test_Result

polyglot java import java.lang.StringBuilder
polyglot java import java.lang.System as Java_System

Write the JUnit XML header.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,6 +44,9 @@ green text =
highlighted text =
'\u001b[1;1m' + text + '\u001b[0m'

grey text =
'\u001b[90m' + text + '\u001b[0m'

maybe_red_text (text : Text) (config : Suite_Config) =
if config.use_ansi_colors then (red text) else text

Expand All @@ -50,6 +56,9 @@ maybe_green_text (text : Text) (config : Suite_Config) =
maybe_highlighted_text (text : Text) (config : Suite_Config) =
if config.use_ansi_colors then (highlighted text) else text

maybe_grey_text (text : Text) (config : Suite_Config) =
if config.use_ansi_colors then (grey text) else text

## Print result for a single Spec run
print_single_result : Test_Result -> Suite_Config -> Nothing
print_single_result (test_result : Test_Result) (config : Suite_Config) =
Expand All @@ -74,7 +83,7 @@ print_single_result (test_result : Test_Result) (config : Suite_Config) =
IO.println (decorate_stack_trace details)
Spec_Result.Pending reason ->
if config.print_only_failures.not then
IO.println (" - [PENDING] " + test_result.spec_name)
IO.println (maybe_grey_text (" - [PENDING] " + test_result.spec_name) config)
IO.println (" Reason: " + reason)

Expand All @@ -96,6 +105,20 @@ print_report (test_results : Vector Test_Result) (config : Suite_Config) (builde
results_per_group.each_with_key group_name-> group_results->
print_group_report group_name group_results config builder

## Prints a pending group, optionally writing it to a jUnit XML output.
print_pending_group : Group -> Vector -> Suite_Config -> (StringBuilder | Nothing) -> Nothing
print_pending_group group config builder =
assert group.pending.is_nothing.not "Group in print_pending_group should be pending"
if config.should_output_junit then
assert builder.is_nothing.not "Builder must be specified when JUnit output is enabled"
builder.append (' <testsuite name="' + (escape_xml inside_attribute=True) + '" timestamp="' + ( "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss") + '"')
builder.append (' tests="0" disabled="1" errors="0" time="0.0">\n')
builder.append (' <testcase name="PENDING" time="0.0">\n')
builder.append (' <skipped message="Reason: '+(escape_xml group.pending inside_attribute=True)+'"/>\n')
builder.append (' </testcase>\n')
builder.append ' </testsuite>\n'
IO.println <| maybe_grey_text ("[PENDING] " + config
IO.println (" Reason: " + group.pending)

## Prints report for test_results from a single group.

Expand All @@ -109,28 +132,27 @@ print_group_report group_name test_results config builder =
acc + res.time_taken
if config.should_output_junit then
assert builder.is_nothing.not "Builder must be specified when JUnit output is enabled"
builder.append (' <testsuite name="' + (escape_xml group_name) + '" timestamp="' + ( "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss") + '"')
builder.append (' <testsuite name="' + (escape_xml group_name inside_attribute=True) + '" timestamp="' + ( "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss") + '"')
builder.append (' tests="' + test_results.length.to_text + '"')
builder.append (' disabled="' + test_results.filter _.is_pending . length . to_text + '"')
builder.append (' errors="' + test_results.filter _.is_fail . length . to_text + '"')
builder.append (' time="' + total_time.total_seconds.to_text + '"')
builder.append ('>\n')

test_results.each result->
builder.append (' <testcase name="' + (escape_xml result.spec_name) + '" time="' + ((result.time_taken.total_milliseconds / 1000.0).to_text) + '">')
builder.append (' <testcase name="' + (escape_xml result.spec_name inside_attribute=True) + '" time="' + ((result.time_taken.total_milliseconds / 1000.0).to_text) + '">')
case result.spec_result of
Spec_Result.Success -> Nothing
Spec_Result.Failure msg details ->
escaped_message = escape_xml msg . replace '\n' '&#10;'
builder.append ('\n <failure message="' + escaped_message + '">\n')
builder.append ('\n <failure message="' + (escape_xml msg inside_attribute=True) + '">\n')
# We always print the message again as content - otherwise the GitHub action may fail to parse it.
builder.append (escape_xml msg)
if details.is_nothing.not then
## If there are additional details, we print them as well.
builder.append '\n\n'
builder.append (escape_xml details)
builder.append '\n </failure>\n'
Spec_Result.Pending msg -> builder.append ('\n <skipped message="' + (escape_xml msg) + '"/>\n ')
Spec_Result.Pending msg -> builder.append ('\n <skipped message="' + (escape_xml msg inside_attribute=True) + '"/>\n ')
builder.append ' </testcase>\n'
builder.append ' </testsuite>\n'

Expand All @@ -154,6 +176,63 @@ print_group_report group_name test_results config builder =

Escape Text for XML
escape_xml : Text -> Text
escape_xml input =
input.replace '&' '&amp;' . replace '"' '&quot;' . replace "'" '&apos;' . replace '<' '&lt;' . replace '>' '&gt;'
escape_xml : Text -> Boolean -> Text
escape_xml input inside_attribute=False =
escaped = input.replace '&' '&amp;' . replace '"' '&quot;' . replace "'" '&apos;' . replace '<' '&lt;' . replace '>' '&gt;'
if inside_attribute then escaped.replace '\n' '&#10;' else escaped

progress_width = 70

print_progress current_progress total_count status_text =
total_count_as_text = total_count.to_text
counter_width = total_count_as_text.length
current_progress_as_text = current_progress.to_text.pad counter_width at=Location.Start
line = " ("+ current_progress_as_text + " / " + total_count_as_text + ") " + status_text
truncated_line = if line.length <= progress_width then line else
line.take (progress_width - 3) + '...'

Java_System.out.print '\r'
Java_System.out.print (' ' * progress_width)
Java_System.out.print '\r'
Java_System.out.print truncated_line
Java_System.out.print '\r'

clear_progress =
Java_System.out.print '\r'
Java_System.out.print (' ' * progress_width)
Java_System.out.print '\r'

type Ignore_Progress_Reporter
report_progress self (status_text : Text) (increment : Integer = 1) =
_ = [increment, status_text]

clear = Nothing

type Command_Line_Progress_Reporter
Value current_progress total_count

make total_expected =
Command_Line_Progress_Reporter.Value ( 0) total_expected

report_progress self (status_text : Text) (increment : Integer = 1) =
self.current_progress.modify (+increment)
print_progress self.current_progress.get self.total_count status_text

clear self = clear_progress

Checks if the current process is running in an interactive terminal session.
is_terminal_interactive -> Boolean =
Java_System.console != Nothing

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