NOTE: I strongly recommend using the node-pre-gyp
workaround in
electron-rebuild instead, as the monkey-patching
this module performs doesn't appear to work with node-inspector
node-pre-gyp is used by some NPM packages with native
depedencies (e.g. sqlite3
, node-inspector
) to save end-users the trouble of compiling those
native dependencies. However if you wish to use any of these NPM packages in
Electron you have to recompile them for your particular
version of Electron. Unfortunately node-pre-gyp
can't find the native depedencies you've compiled
because it looks for them in the wrong place. There are pending PRs (#187 and
#177) to address this issue but so far they've received
no response from the maintainers. Meanwhile developers using Electron get tripped up by this issue
over and over again. This package aims to provide an easy to use (and hopefully robust) workaround
until one of the aforementioned PRs finally gets merged in.
Install the package:
npm install enlight/electron-node-pre-gyp-fix --save
Then install the fix before requiring node-pre-gyp
or any modules that require it:
The fix must be installed once in every Electron process, and should be done as early as possible during the initializion of a process.
When the install()
function is invoked it monkey-patches Module.prototype._compile()
so that
when node-pre-gyp/lib/util/versioning.js
is compiled the evaluate()
function that's exported
by that module is monkey-patched to do the right thing when invoked within an Electron process.
Note that it doesn't matter how many copies of node-pre-gyp
are installed in your node_modules
tree, all instances of the evaluate()
function will be monkey-patched at runtime
provided install()
is called before requiring node-pre-gyp