This is a program to convert a résumé definition in YAML to HTML or PDF.
This is not my résumé (though that is available upon request).
- Output to HTML or PDF
- Pluggable theme interface
- Ability to filter out or summarize older entries
- Ability to produce resumes to be made public
myresume is a Python package which can be installev via pip
pip install git+
usage: myresume [-h] [--since SINCE] [--format {html,pdf}] [--theme {default}]
[--public] [--page-size PAGESIZE]
input output
convert resume to html
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--since SINCE Filter out entries before this year
--format {html,pdf} Output format (default: html)
--theme {default}
--public Make for public consumption by excluding address and
--page-size PAGESIZE Page size (e.g. for PDF)
Typical usage:
myresume resume.yaml resume.html
myresume --format pdf resume.yaml resume.pdf
myresume --public resume.yaml public_resume.html