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Scripts and notebooks to reproduce the experiments and analyses of the paper Adrian Englhardt, Holger Trittenbach, Klemens Böhm, “Finding the Sweet Spot: Batch Selection for One-Class Active Learning”, SDM 2020


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Batch One-Class Active Learning Evaluation

Scripts and notebooks to benchmark batch one-class active learning strategies.

This repository contains scripts and notebooks to reproduce the experiments and analyses of the paper

Adrian Englhardt, Holger Trittenbach, Dennis Vetter, Klemens Böhm, “Finding the Sweet Spot: Batch Selection for One-Class Active Learning”. In: Proceedings of the 2020 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), DOI: 10.1137/1.9781611976236.14, May 7-9, 2020, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.

For more information about this research project, see also the BOCAL project website. For a general overview and a benchmark on one-class active learning see the OCAL project website.

The analysis and main results of the experiments can be found under notebooks:

  • batch_criteria_example.ipynb: Figure 1
  • evaluation.ipynb: Figure 2, Table 1 and Table 2

To execute the notebooks, make sure you follow the setup, and download the raw results into data/output/.


The experiments are implemented in Julia, some of the evaluation notebooks are written in python. This repository contains code to setup the experiments, to execute them, and to analyze the results. The one-class classifiers and active learning methods are implemented in two separate Julia packages: SVDD.jl and OneClassActiveLearning.jl.


Just clone the repo.

$ git clone
  • Experiments require Julia 1.1.1, requirements are defined in Manifest.toml. To instantiate, start julia in the bocal-evaluation directory with julia --project and run julia> ]instantiate. See Julia documentation for general information on how to setup this project.
  • Notebooks require
    • Julia 1.1.1 (dependencies are already installed in the previous step)
    • Python 3.7 and pipenv. Run pipenv install to install all dependencies

Repo Overview

  • data
    • input
      • raw: contains unprocessed data set collections literature and semantic from the DAMI repository
      • processed: output directory of preprocess_data.jl
    • output: output directory of experiments; generate_all_experiments.jl creates the folder structure and experiments; run_batch_experiments.jl writes results and log files
  • notebooks: jupyter notebooks to analyze experimental results
    • batch_criteria_example.ipynb: Figure 1
    • evaluation.ipynb: Figure 2, Table 1 and Table 2
  • scripts
    • config: configuration files for experiments
      • config.jl: high-level configuration, e.g., for number of workers
      • config_baseline.jl: experiment config for baseline batch strategies
      • config_filter.jl: experiment config for filter batch strategies
      • config_iterative.jl: experiment config for the iterative batch strategy
      • config_partition.jl: experiment config for partitioning batch strategies
      • config_precompute_parameters.jl: experiment config to precompute classifier hyperparameters
      • config_warmup.jl: experiment config for precompulation warmup experiments
    • util/setup_workers.jl: utility script to setup multiple workers, see LINK
    • generate_all_experiments.jl: generate all experiments
    • generate_experiments.jl: generate experiments for one type of query strategy, e.g. baseline
    • precompute_parameters.jl: precompute classifier hyperparameters
    • preprocess_data.jl: preprocess DAMI data sets
    • reduce_results.jl: combine result files into a several CSV files.
    • run_batch_experiments.jl: executes experiments

Experiment Pipeline

The experiment pipeline uses config files to set paths and experiment parameters. There are two types of config files:

  • scripts/config.jl: this config defines high-level information on the experiment, such as number of workers, where the data files are located, and log levels.
  • scripts/<config_baseline|...>.jl: These config files define the experimental grid, including the data sets, classifiers, and active-learning strategies.
  1. Data Preprocessing: The preprocessing step transforms publicly available benchmark data sets into a common csv format, and performs feature selection.
  • Input: Download semantic.tar.gz and literature.tar.gz containing the .arff files from the DAMI benchmark repository and extract into data/input/raw/.../<data set> (e.g. data/input/raw/literature/ALOI/ or data/input/raw/semantic/Annthyroid).
  • Execution:
   $ julia --project scripts/preprocess_data.jl
  • Output: .csv files in data/input/processed/

We also provide our preprocessed data to download (8.4 MB).

  1. Precompute Paramters: This step precomputes the hyperparameters of the classifier for each data set.
  • Input: Preprocessed data files
  • Execution:
   $ julia --project scripts/precompute_parameters.jl
  • Output: Precompute parameters stored in data/input/processed/parameters.jser
  1. Generate Experiments: This step creates a set of experiments. For the synthetic evaluation the scripts generate the data as well.
  • Input: Preprocessed data files
  • Execution:
   $ julia --project scripts/generate_all_experiments.jl
  • Output:
    • Creates an experiment directory with the naming <exp_name>. The directories created contains several items:
      • log directory: skeleton for experiment logs (one file per experiment), and worker logs (one file per worker)
      • results directory: skeleton for result files
      • experiments.jser: this contains a serialized Julia Array with experiments. Each experiment is a Dict that contains the specific combination. Each experiment can be identified by a unique hash value.
      • experiment_hashes: file that contains the hash values of the experiments stored in experiments.jser
      • config.jl and config_<scenario>.jl: a copy of the config file used to generate the experiments
  1. Run Experiments: This step executes the experiments created in Step 2. Each experiment is executed on a worker. In the default configuration, a worker is one process on the localhost. For distributed workers, see Section Infrastructure and Parallelization. A worker takes one specific configuration, runs the active learning experiment, and writes result and log files.
  • Input: Generated experiments from step 2
  • Execution:
   $ julia --project scripts/run_batch_experiments.jl
  • Output: The output files are named by the experiment hash and are .json files (e.g., data/output/baseline/results/ALOI/ALOI_withoutdupl_norm_r01_DecisionBoundaryPQs_SVDDneg_6935936306455490995.json)
  1. Reduce Results: Merge experimental results into .csv files by using summary statistics
  • Input: Full path to finished experiments.
  • Execution:
   $ julia --project scripts/reduce_results.jl
  • Output: Multiple result csv files for each scenario, e.g., data/output/summary_data_baseline.csv.
  1. Analyze Results: jupyter notebooks in the notebooksdirectory to analyze the reduced .csv. Run the following to produce the figures and tables in the experiment section of the paper:
  $ pipenv run evaluation

Infrastructure and Parallelization

Step 4 Run Experiments can be parallelized over several workers. In general, one can use any ClusterManager. In this case, the node that executes run_experiments.jl is the driver node. The driver node loads the experiments.jser, and initiates a function call for each experiment on one of the workers via pmap.


This package is developed and maintained by Adrian Englhardt


Scripts and notebooks to reproduce the experiments and analyses of the paper Adrian Englhardt, Holger Trittenbach, Klemens Böhm, “Finding the Sweet Spot: Batch Selection for One-Class Active Learning”, SDM 2020







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