Detailed project descrtiption can be found here.
myShell can be started by running:
- make
- ./myshell
- The executables in the path (including aliases) are executed in fork exec manner and exit, bello, redirections and backgrounding are executed via functions.
- Commands can have arguments.
- Exit command is implemented together with checking for background processes. If any, exit prevented.
- Background processing (&), and redirection operators (">" and "> >") exist and achieve the same task as in bash or zsh.
- Users are able to create alias by entering the command this way:
- alias alias_name = "command_name command_args"
- Aliases are saved and valid even after a restart of the shell.
- A new re-redirection operator ("> > >") (no spaces) exists. This operator acts exactly as ("> >"), but the order of all letters in the output will be invested.
- The "bello" command is displaying eight information items about the user, respectively:
- Username
- Hostname
- Last Executed Command : last input from user is shown
- Current Shell Name (not myshell)
- Home Location
- Current Time and Date
- Current number of proccesses being executed: processes under myshell are count. Bello, ps and myshell is included.