This project will no longer be maintained by Intel.
Intel has ceased development and contributions including, but not limited to, maintenance, bug fixes, new releases, or updates, to this project.
Intel no longer accepts patches to this project.
If you have an ongoing need to use this project, are interested in independently developing it, or would like to maintain patches for the open source software community, please create your own fork of this project.
Contact: [email protected]
This component is used to support actuations over websocket protocol. It is an alternative for mqtt protocol.
Server listens on determined port. It uses 'echo-protocol' for receiving and sending requests.
Websocket client also has to use 'echo-protocol'. After the establishment of connection client has to send initial json object message:
Key | Description |
type | type of message, always "device" for clients |
deviceId | identifier of your device in iotkit database |
deviceToken | token of device which is received after activation |
Example json message:
"type": "device",
"deviceId": <deviceId>,
"deviceToken": "eyJ0eXA....asdfwefadA"
Basic response codes:
Code | Description |
401 | "Invalid device token" or "Wrong message format" |
500 | Internal server error |
200 | Subscribed to ws server |
1024 | Received actuation message |
Example of actuations message:
"content": {
"content": {
More informations about websockets on website
Node.js v0.10.x
- npm install grunt-cli
Cloud Foundry CLI and Trusted Analytics Platform account (
- Generate a pair RSA keys and put your public keys in ./keys/ directory as public.pem
On Trusted Analytics Platform (
Before installation, make sure that you are logged into Trusted Analytics Platform with command:
cf login
Create instances with specified name for each of required services from marketplace:
- PostgreSQL 9.3 or newer with name mypostgres
Create following user-provided services with properties filled with real values:
cf cups websocket-ups -p "{\"username\":\"${USER}\",\"password\":\"${PASSWORD}\"}"
Executing ./ in main repository catalog builds package and pushes it to CF as an app with name {SPACE}-dashboard where space is currently selected space by cf t -s "SPACE"
Check logs and wait for application start.