Python package for compiling MODFLOW-based programs.
This is a relatively simple python package for compiling MODFLOW-based programs. The package determines the build order using a directed acyclic graph and then compiles the source files using gfortran or intel Fortran (ifort).
pymake can be run from the command line or it can be called from within python.
pymake includes example scripts for building MODFLOW 6, MODFLOW-2005, MODFLOW-NWT, MODFLOW-USG, MODFLOW-LGR, MODFLOW-2000, MODPATH 6, MODPATH 7, MT3DMS, MT3D-USGS, and SEAWAT using gfortran on Mac or Linux. The scripts download the distribution file from the USGS and compile the source into a binary executable.
pymake includes code for compiling with ifort on Windows and OSX.
Note that if gfortran is used, the openspec.f
file will automatically be changed to the following so that binary files are
created properly using standard Fortran:
c -- created by
c -- end of include file
To see help for running from command line, use the following statement.
python -m pymake.pymake -h
usage: [-h] [-fc {ifort,gfortran}] [-cc {gcc,clang}] [-ar {ia32,ia32_intel64,intel64}] [-mc] [-dbl] [-dbg] [-e] [-dr] [-sd] [-ff] srcdir target
This is the pymake program for compiling fortran source files, such as the source files that come with MODFLOW. The program works by building a directed acyclic graph of the module dependencies and then compiling the source files in the proper order.
positional arguments: srcdir Location of source directory target Name of target to create
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -fc {ifort,gfortran} Fortran compiler to use (default is gfortran) -cc {gcc,clang} C compiler to use (default is gcc) -ar {ia32,ia32_intel64,intel64} Architecture to use for ifort (default is intel64) -mc, --makeclean Clean files when done -dbl, --double Force double precision -dbg, --debug Create debug version -e, --expedite Only compile out of date source files. Clean must not have been used on previous build. Does not work yet for ifort. -dr, --dryrun Do not actually compile. Files will be deleted, if --makeclean is used. Does not work yet for ifort. -sd, --subdirs Include source files in srcdir subdirectories. -ff, --fflags Additional fortran compiler flags. -mf, --makefile Create a standard makefile. Does not work for ifort for Windows yet.
Note that the source directory should not contain any bad or duplicate source files as all source files in the source directory will be built and linked.
import pymake srcdir = '../mfnwt/src' target = 'mfnwt' pymake.main(srcdir, target, 'gfortran', 'gcc', makeclean=True, expedite=False, dryrun=False, double=False, debug=False, include_subdirs=False)
or see in examples directory
The following scripts can be run directly from the command line to build MODFLOW 6, MODFLOW-2005, MODFLOW-NWT, MODFLOW-USG, MODFLOW-LGR, MODFLOW-2000, MODPATH 6, MODPATH 7, MT3DMS, MT3D-USGS, and SEAWAT binaries on Mac and Linux. The scripts will download the distribution file from the USGS (requires internet connection), unzip the file, and compile the source. MT3DMS will be downloaded from the University of Alabama.
python python python python python python python python python python make_mt3dusgs python
To install pymake directly from the git repository type:
pip install
To update your version of pymake with the latest from the git repository type:
pip install --upgrade