This is the official Python port of original Emmet code base written in JavaScript:
Emmet is a web-developer’s toolkit for boosting HTML & CSS code writing.
With Emmet, you can type expressions (abbreviations) similar to CSS selectors and convert them into code fragment with a single keystroke. For example, this abbreviation:
ul#nav>li.item$*4>a{Item $}
...can be expanded into:
<ul id="nav">
<li class="item1"><a href="">Item 1</a></li>
<li class="item2"><a href="">Item 2</a></li>
<li class="item3"><a href="">Item 3</a></li>
<li class="item4"><a href="">Item 4</a></li>
- Familiar syntax: as a web-developer, you already know how to use Emmet. Abbreviation syntax is similar to CSS Selectors with shortcuts for id, class, custom attributes, element nesting and so on.
- Dynamic snippets: unlike default editor snippets, Emmet abbreviations are dynamic and parsed as-you-type. No need to predefine them for each project, just type
to convert any word into a tag. - CSS properties shortcuts: Emmet provides special syntax for CSS properties with embedded values. For example,
will be exampled toborder: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)
. - Available for most popular syntaxes: use single abbreviation to produce code for most popular syntaxes like HAML, Pug, JSX, SCSS, SASS etc.
Read more about Emmet features
You can install Emmet as a regular pip module:
pip install py-emmet
To expand abbreviation, pass it to expand
function of emmet
import emmet
print(emmet.expand('p>a')) # <p><a href=""></a></p>
By default, Emmet expands markup abbreviation, e.g. abbreviation used for producing nested elements with attributes (like HTML, XML, HAML etc.). If you want to expand stylesheet abbreviation, you should pass it as a type
property of second argument:
import emmet
print(emmet.expand('p10', { 'type': 'stylesheet' })) # padding: 10px
A stylesheet abbreviation has slightly different syntax compared to markup one: it doesn’t support nesting and attributes but allows embedded values in element name.
Alternatively, Emmet supports syntaxes with predefined snippets and options:
import emmet
print(emmet.expand('p10', { 'syntax': 'css' })) # padding: 10px;
print(emmet.expand('p10', { 'syntax': 'stylus' })) # padding 10px
Predefined syntaxes already have type
attribute which describes whether given abbreviation is markup or stylesheet, but if you want to use it with your custom syntax name, you should provide type
config option as well (default is markup
import emmet
print(emmet.expand('p10', {
'syntax': 'my-custom-syntax',
'type': 'stylesheet',
'options': {
'stylesheet.between': '__',
'stylesheet.after': '',
})) # padding__10px
You can pass options
property as well to shape-up final output or enable/disable various features. See emmet/
for more info and available options.
A common workflow with Emmet is to type abbreviation somewhere in source code and then expand it with editor action. To support such workflow, abbreviations must be properly extracted from source code:
import emmet
source = 'Hello world ul.tabs>li'
data = emmet.extract(source, 22) # { abbreviation: 'ul.tabs>li' }
print(emmet.expand(data.abbreviation)) # <ul class="tabs"><li></li></ul>
The extract
function accepts source code (most likely, current line) and character location in source from which abbreviation search should be started. The abbreviation is searched in backward direction: the location pointer is moved backward until it finds abbreviation bound. Returned result is an object with abbreviation
property and start
and end
properties which describe location of extracted abbreviation in given source.
Most current editors automatically insert closing quote or bracket for (
, [
and {
characters so when user types abbreviation that uses attributes or text, it will end with the following state (|
is caret location):
E.g. caret location is not at the end of abbreviation and must be moved a few characters ahead. The extract
function is able to handle such cases with lookAhead
option (enabled by default). This this option enabled, extract
method automatically detects auto-inserted characters and adjusts location, which will be available as end
property of the returned result:
import emmet
source = 'a div[title] b'
loc = 11 # right after "title" word
# `lookAhead` is enabled by default
print(emmet.extract(source, loc)) # { abbreviation: 'div[title]', start: 2, end: 12 }
print(emmet.extract(source, loc, { 'lookAhead': false })) # { abbreviation: 'title', start: 6, end: 11 }
By default, extract
tries to detect markup abbreviations (see above). stylesheet abbreviations has slightly different syntax so in order to extract abbreviations for stylesheet syntaxes like CSS, you should pass type: 'stylesheet'
import emmet
source = 'a{b}'
loc = 3 # right after "b"
print(emmet.extract(source, loc)); # { abbreviation: 'a{b}', start: 0, end: 4 }
# Stylesheet abbreviations does not have `{text}` syntax
print(emmet.extract(source, loc, { 'type': 'stylesheet' })); # { abbreviation: 'b', start: 2, end: 3 }
Lots of developers uses React (or similar) library for writing UI code which mixes JS and XML (JSX) in the same source code. Since any Latin word can be used as Emmet abbreviation, writing JSX code with Emmet becomes pain since it will interfere with native editor snippets and distract user with false positive abbreviation matches for variable names, methods etc.:
var div // `div` is a valid abbreviation, Emmet may transform it to `<div></div>`
A possible solution for this problem it to use prefix for abbreviation: abbreviation can be successfully extracted only if its preceded with given prefix.
import emmet
source1 = '() => div'
source2 = '() => <div'
emmet.extract(source1, len(source1)) # Finds `div` abbreviation
emmet.extract(source2, len(source2)) # Finds `div` abbreviation too
emmet.extract(source1, len(source1), { 'prefix': '<' }) # No match, `div` abbreviation is not preceded with `<` prefix
emmet.extract(source2, len(source2), { 'prefix': '<' }) # Finds `div` since it preceded with `<` prefix
With prefix
option, you can customize your experience with Emmet in any common syntax (HTML, CSS and so on) if user is distracted too much with Emmet completions for any typed word. A prefix
may contain multiple character but the last one must be a character which is not part of Emmet abbreviation. Good candidates are <
, &
, →
(emoji or Unicode symbol) and so on.