Routines includes automatic localization of seismic events, computation of RSAM and SSAM, magnitude calculation and sql data management.
by Diego M. González-Vidal ([email protected])
contributors: Marcelo Ramirez ([email protected])
yay aur/pyshapelib aur/python-obspy aur/python-pyshp aur/pyshapelib community/python-basemap community/python-basemap-common community/python-mysql-connector community/python-mysqlclient community/python-pillow community/shapelib community/sshfs extra/jdk-openjdk extra/python-django extra/python-django
sudo pacman -S python-django jdk-openjdk sshfs shapelib python-pillow python-mysqlclient python-mysql-connector python-basemap-common python-basemap pyshapelib python-pyshp python-obspy pyshapelib python-django
Download the pygema package from github
git clone
sudo cp -r aur/pygema /usr/lib/python3.X/site-packages
The working space are at the folders realtime and scripts
Add dataless files of the stations
Configure credentials, parameters, stations file and email
nano pygema/src/credentials_mysqldb_admin
nano pygema/src/credentials_mysqldb_user
nano pygema/src/params_rsam.txt
nano pygema/src/params_ssam.txt
nano pygema/src/params_stalta.txt
nano pygema/src/stationALL.lst
nano pygema/db/
nano pygema/db/
nano pygema/db/
Configure BINDER NOSC for automatic localization
$ git clone
cp -r pygema/core/BINDER_NOSC /home/user
cd /home/user/BINDER_NOSC
chmod a+x binder_nosc_AR
Then configure the parameters, velocity model and station info
nano /home/user/BINDER_NOSC/param.txt
nano /home/user/BINDER_NOSC/info.dat
nano /home/user/BINDER_NOSC/velmod.hdr
Configure NonLinLoc
git clone
cp -r pygema/core/nonlinloc /home/user
mv nonlinloc NLL
cp -r /home/user/NLL
Then, follow this instructions
more /home/user/NLL/readme.rd
Finally, copy the file to NLL
#Configure realtime routines for volcano monitoring
Configure web services files:
nano realtime/web/PyGema_Web/PyGema_Web/
nano realtime/gema-init-monitoring
Configure syncronization with other server
Configure seedlink server:
# instalacion ringserver
$ git clone
$ cd ringserver
$ make
$ mkdir tlog
# Ante errores comunes de complicacion
$ sudo pacman -S libdigidocpp
$ yay automake #instalar version 1-15
# agregar path
$ sudo ln -s ~/ringserver/ringserver /usr/local/bin/ringserver
#crear un archivo de configuracion
$ nano server.conf
RingDirectory ring
DataLinkPort 16000
SeedLinkPort 18000
ServerID "Seismic Network"
TransferLogDirectory tlog
TransferLogRX 0
MSeedScan /path/GM/ StateFile=scan.state InitCurrentState
#lanzar servidor
$ ringserver server.conf
Execute realtime rountines
chmod a+x gema-init-monitoring