A project to control and monitor the PT410 CryoFridge that's keeping the 7T MRI Magnet cool and running. Allows users to configure the duration of ontime and offtime for each on/off cycle, switch on or off immediately, and/or delay the start of an on/off cycle by a user-specified duration of time. Will log button press events (i.e. when a switch is manually flipped) to a logfile that is named after the current date.
Download the package
git clone https://git.sarlab.ca/DrSAR/arducryofridge.git
Install the Arduino EnableInterrupt Library:
- open the
file - navigate to 'Tools > Manage Libraries'
- search for EnableInterrupt by Mike Schwager and install
Deploy the ino
file to the arduino Uno using a stanfard Arduino development environment.
Hook it up to the 17-pin connector using the wiring diagram.
Connect the USB cable to arduino for power and communication.
Start the python program for CLI
arduCryoFridgeCLI.py --status
or start server
The arduino port should attempt to autoconnect the first time the program arduCryoFridgeCLI.py
is run.
If it fails to autoconnect (i.e. the program lists all open ports but does not connect to any),
manually specify the port where Arduino is connected with:
arduCryoFridgeCLI.py [--port=<USBportname>]
Other settings can be configured using the following commands from the python program for the CLI.
Ensure the Serial Monitor on the ino
file is closed when running:
arduCryoFridgeCLI.py [--port=<USBportname>] configure [--ontime=<ontime>] [--offtime=<offtime>]
arduCryoFridgeCLI.py [--port=<USBportname>] switch [--on | --off] [--now | --delay=<delay>]
arduCryoFridgeCLI.py [--port=<USBportname>] [-s | --status]
arduCryoFridgeCLI.py [--port=<USBportname>] [-q]
arduCryoFridgeCLI.py -h | --help
--port=<USBportname> Specify USB port: done before running other commands.
--ontime=<ontime> Duration of ontime minutes.
--offtime=<offtime> Duration of offtime minutes.
--delay=<delay> Start on/off cycle in delay [default: 0] minutes.
-s --status Read out and report PT410 status.
-q Query program version + version run on the arduino.
-h --help Show this screen.