Vim plugin to highlight current block based on indentation levels.
- Works with multiple buffers/splits/windows
- Configurable to set custom highlight color
- Easily toggle highlights
toggles the current block (guessed by indentation levels).
To map your custom shortcut, add this to your vimrc.
map <silent> SHORTCUT :IndentHighlightToggle<CR>
For example, to map :IndentHighlightToggle to i ,
map <silent> <leader>i :IndentHighlightToggle<CR>
This plugin follows the standard runtime path structure, and as such it can be installed with a variety of plugin managers:
- Pathogen
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/indent-highlight.vim
- NeoBundle
NeoBundle 'emilsoman/indent-highlight.vim'
- Vundle
Plugin 'emilsoman/indent-highlight.vim'
- manual
- copy all of the files into your
These configurations are available to set in your ~/.vimrc
let g:indent_highlight_disabled = 1 " Disables the plugin, default 0
let g:indent_highlight_bg_color = 235 " Color to be used for highlighting, default 233
let g:indent_highlight_start_disabled = 0 " Disable indent-highlight, enable by explicitly toggling, default 1
MIT License. Copyright (c) 2014 Emil Soman