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Data types
Data type values are simple dumb constants as found in most programming languages - just data - no behaviour.
A string value is a sequence of characters, as usual.
It is useful for text, of course, and for relative paths.
It is defined by:
def string MY_STRING = "my string value"
A string value can be written in three ways:
If the value is just a single word, it can be written as just that word.
'multiple words'
Single quotes allows space in values. But symbol references are not substituted.
"multiple words and references to @[SYMBOL]@"
Double quotes allows space in values. Symbol references are substituted.
All other types of values can be casted to a string:
def list MY_LIST = ...
def path MY_PATH = ...
def string MY_LIST_STRING = @[MY_LIST]@
def string MY_PATH_STRING = @[MY_PATH]@
Casting a list gives a string with all the elements of the list separated by a single space.
Casting a path gives the absolute path it represents (if it is not relative the current directory).
Values are automatically casted to a string if they appear in a string value:
"a string value with the list @[MY_LIST]@ and the path @[MY_PATH]@"
Relative paths are represented by strings:
def string MY_FILE = my-file.txt
def string MY_DIR = my-dir
def string MY_FILE_IN_MY_DIR = @[MY_DIR]@/@[MY_FILE]@
They can be used together with the default relativity of an instruction
(as in stdout
or with an explicit relativity
(as in exists
stdout equals @[MY_FILE]@
exists -rel-act @[MY_FILE_IN_MY_DIR]@
The string type is used for values with no corresponding type.
For example, as integers:
def string EXIT_ERROR = 2
exit-code == @[EXIT_ERROR]@
A list value is a sequence of elements that are all strings.
It is useful for arguments to the SUT, or the run
def list MORE_SUT_ARGUMENTS = first second "third element"
my-system-under-test "initial argument" @[MORE_SUT_ARGUMENTS]@
run my-custom-assertion @[CUSTOM_ASSERTION_ARGUMENTS]@
But list cannot be used for instruction arguments that are defined by Exactly.
A list is defined by listing the elements separated by space:
def list MY_LIST = value1 "value 2" @[SYMBOL]@
Symbol references to list values are concatenated, unless they appear in a string:
def list TWO_ELEM_LIST = a b
def list THREE_ELEM_LIST = 1 2 3
Symbol references to path values are automatically casted to string values.
A path value is an absolute path of a file.
There is one exception to this - if the path is defined to be relative the current directory ("-rel-cd"). The option to do this may be removed in the future. Relative paths are best represented by string values.
Path symbols may be used anywhere a path is expected:
def path MY_EXPECTED_FILE = -rel-home expected.txt
stdout equals @[MY_EXPECTED_FILE]@
Path symbols may also be used anywhere a string value is expected, since a path value is automatically casted to a string value.
A path symbol may be defined in terms of string values acting as a relative path:
def string MY_FILE = my-dir/my-file.txt
def path MY_FILE_UNDER_ACT = -rel-act @[MY_FILE]@
def path MY_FILE_UNDER_TMP = -rel-tmp @[MY_FILE]@
A path value may also, of course, be defined in terms of other path values:
def path MY_DIR = -rel-act my-dir
def path MY_FILE_1_IN_DIR = @[MY_DIR]@/my-file-1.txt
def string MY_FILE_2 = my-file-2.txt
def path MY_FILE_2_IN_DIR = @[MY_DIR]@/@[MY_FILE_2]@
The path values above does not need to be be defined using def
to be used. They may appear anywhere a path value is expected:
exists @[MY_DIR]@/@[MY_FILE_2]@ : type file
There is a special relativity option for symbols: -rel SYMBOL
This is an equivalent way to write the example with exists
exists -rel MY_DIR @[MY_FILE_2]@ : type file
It can also be used by def
def path MY_DIR = -rel-act my-dir
def path MY_FILE_IN_DIR = -rel MY_DIR my-file.txt
Which syntax to use is a matter of taste.