Simple and configurable peristence plugin for Hookstate state management.
Works on React Native and Web.
To install, run:
yarn add hookstate-persist
npm install hookstate-persist
// React Native
import {createState} from '@hookstate/core';
import CreatePersistor, {PersistorWrapper} from 'hookstate-persist';
import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage';
import {Product} from '../utils/types';
// for tree object state, wrap root state with Persist wrapper
// this gives you the benefit of validating the hydrateTime value is not null
const wrapped = PersistorWrapper({
cart: [] as Array<Product>,
user: {} as User,
location: '',
const store = createState(wrapped);
// create the peristor pluging
const persistor = CreatePersistor({
key: '@myStore', // store name
engine: AsyncStorage, // storage engine which implements getItem & setItem
// attach plugin and you're done
CreatePersistor {
key: string, // key in storage
engine: StoreEngine, // engine; any type of storage that implements "getItem" and "setItem" eg AsyncStorage or localStorage
whitelist?: Array<string>, // property names of items in state you want to persist (optional)
blacklist?: Array<string>, // property names of items in state you want excluded from storage(optional)
CreatePersistor(config: ICreatePersistor) // creates the peristence plugin
PersistorWrapper(state: State<S>) // Wrapps the root state. Do not use if root state is not map/tree like
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.